Chapter 3 (Edited)

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Quinn's Outfit ^^^

When I open the door, I find Miles standing outside my house. I groan to myself. "How do you know where I live?" I notice that even to myself I sound pissed.

Miles raises and eyebrow. "I might have followed you home from school the other day."

I cross my arms and raise and an eyebrow. "Stalker much? Now how did you get my number?"

His face turns red. "You're really going to think I'm stalker." He takes a deep breath. "I swiped Jace's phone the other day in class and found your number."

"Can I come in?" He asks shyly.

I nod and let him in. "Fine but keep it down, please, my kids are asleep."

He nods as he sits at the kitchen table with. "So, can I ask you a question?"

I nod and sigh as I shuffle my schoolwork out of the way. "Before that do you want anything to eat or drink?"

"Can I have a a soda, please?" I nod and get up to get Miles and I each a soda. Sitting down I hand him a soda and I crack mine open.

"So, um, it's a very personal question," he says rubbing the back of his head shyly. I nod for him to continue. "Where are your kids' mom at? Why did she leave you alone to raise them alone?" he asks quickly.

"My kids are technically my younger brother and sisters. Wade, she's 6 years old, she remembers our mother but the twins, Rain and Raiven who are 5 and Zain, who's 4 years old don't understand why our mom isn't around anymore and none of them remember our father."

I take a deep breath and let it out before continuing. "Mom died in July of cancer, two weeks after my 18th birthday when she signed over custody and I legally adopted them on my birthday. Our dad died 3 years ago in a car accident just before Zain's 1st birthday."

"I also adopted Xavier, my 15 year old brother. I had to grow up a lot since my mom got sick a few years ago. I was responsible for them before mom even died."

Just then I hear a scream from up stairs where the bedrooms are. I get up to see what the hell was going on when Zain met me at the top of the stairs. He has tears streaming down his face and he was shaking. I pick Zain up and hold him to me as he wraps his arms around my neck and legs around my waist and burry his head in my neck.

"What happened, Zainy?" I ask as we sit at the table.

"Bad dream, daddy."

I rub his back as he settles comfortably into my hold. He calms down and pulls his head out from my neck and notices Miles sitting across from us.

Zain nods to Miles asking me, "daddy, who he?"

I chuckle. "That's my friend, Miles." Zain waves timidly at Miles who waves back and says hi to him.

"I'll be going so you can take care of your little man," Miles says getting up.

I stop him with "You can stay a little longer if you'd like. It'll only take me a couple of minutes to get him back in bed." He nods and agrees and tells Zain good night.

Miles ends up staying until 2 a.m. and we spend the time getting to know each other more. It was nice. I find out that he's actually bisexual and prefers men but has dated a few females. His parents are divorced and his mom lives three states away with a new family. He has two siblings from his parents and three half siblings from his mom. He sees his mom and her new family once a year in the summer.

Miles is getting ready to head home and he stops at the door stopping to ask me, "I was, um, wondering if you'd go out on a date with me?"

I smile at him. Screw my previous thought. What's life without a few chances and it doesn't mean that I'll be ignoring my responsibility the kids. "Sure, I would love to," I say with a smile.

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