Chapter 2 (Edited)

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Quinn's Outfit ^^^

The rest of the week flew by thankfully for being the first week of school. I've been working on my part of my English project after the little ones were in bed every night. Friday afternoon finally arrived. Xavier and I are at the elementary school and I'm heading inside. Once I have all four of them, we head home for any early dinner before the football game.

Quinn's Outfit for the football game.⬇⬇⬇

After dinner is cleaned up, I pack snacks in my backpack along with four throw blankets and make sure Wade, Rain, Raiven and Zain have their sweatshirts as Xavier and I grab our own

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After dinner is cleaned up, I pack snacks in my backpack along with four throw blankets and make sure Wade, Rain, Raiven and Zain have their sweatshirts as Xavier and I grab our own. Xavier is leaving with a friend to stay the night with after the game.

"Hey Quinn, can I sit with Shay and Bobby during the game?" Xavier asks as we leave.

I smile at him briefly before looking back at the road. "Sure can. Just let me know when you and Bobby are heading to his house aftwards, alright?"

Xavier nods. "Thanks Quinn." I hum in response.

"Daddy, we see Asher and Jace and Abbi and Kaylee tonight?" Wade asks.

"We will but they're playing their sports so they can't talk to us much tonight." I glance at her in the rearview mirror to see her pout. They love my friends. "But," her eyes brighten, "they're coming over tomorrow and they're going to spend the night."

"Yeah!" I hear from four little voices from behind me. Xavier and I laugh. My friends absolutely adore all of my siblings like their own.

After I pay for the four youngest we find good spots on the bleachers so the little ones can see Abbi and Kaylee and the field. Xavier and I got into the game for free since we brought out student i.d.'s with.

As the cheerleaders take their places on the track I look at the little ones saying, "Here come Abbi and Kaylee." I point them out. All four brighten and holler to Abbi and Kaylee, who wave eagerly at the kids.

I noticed when the kids hollered at my cheerleading friends, Asher and Jace who were talking to a teammate, all three football players turn toward us. I point out Asher and Jace to the kids who holler and wave at them. Jace and Asher holler back. The third player, took off his helmet and cocks his head at the five of us with a shocked/surprised look on his face. Well, shit, if it isn't Miles.

Four quarters later and four touchdowns by Jace and two from Asher; the game is finally done with a final score of 54 to 14. I pack up my bag as I wait for Xavier come and let me know that he's heading out with Bobby and for myself and the kids to talk to my friends before we head home to bed. Jace, Asher and Miles find the five of us the same time Xavier, Abbi and Kaylee do.

"Hey bro, I'm heading out with Bobby and his mom. I'll be home early tomorrow afternoon. That okay?"

"Yup do you need any money?"

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