Chapter 28 New years eve

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 Song by: Leslie Mills--Making my way


 For the next couple of days Jackson family and I been trying to spend as much time together as possible. In the morning I would hang out with the twins and Kimmy at lunch I would spend time with his parents dinner would be with the guys and bed time with Jackson. After the Christmas's party the band been going places it turns out it wasn't only a coming home party but it was also  for Fathers Of a Raven to get their self's out there Jackson's dad invited a few record Labs to come check them out. All though they haven't been sign or anything yet they started to play at other places then at the Point Of V or rich kids party's. 

 Its nice to know that when I leave they they will be ok and that they have something going for them Kimmy will be going back to live with her husband soon. I only every talked to Kay once since what happen he told be Kate's fine and she's not sueing he also told be that he's sorry for everything and he wish some how we could of been together I told him thanks for everything because its cause of Kate and him I am what I am to day they made me stronger. Kay and Jackson seem to be cool again and John, JR and James seem to work everything out when John found out everything to him started to make sense he flipped out and left the party but after two days he came back to talk JR said he stills want to be cool with him and they they will always be bros and that he's sorry for ever making him feel like the 3rd wheel.

 Yup everything is finally coming to play. Today was my last night with the guys I spend the rest of the evening with Jackson's family but no Jackson. They wouldn't tell me where we was going they just gave me a dress to wear and told me they'll pick me up at 8 I was happy for the surprise but after then thing that has happen in my life surprise are kind of over rated.

 "Where here" said JR as we came to a stop we were in front of a club.

 "Are you sure this is the right place" I said stepping out of the car there was a long line out side the club and photohfers every where.

 "Positive now before we go in you need to put this on" said James coming behind be putting a blind fold on me.

 "Wait what's going on?" I said as the tried to lead me inside I felt lose and helpless I couldn't see or hear anything I head a few laughter's "Come on you guys this isn't funny" I said as I felt a bunch of hands pushing me towards something. Then I as all alone I felt no hands on me I was just standing still in the distance I heard a loud voice yell "You can take off the blind fold now" I slowly took it off but I still couldn't see anything.

 "Hello?"  I said confuse and then again I head nothing I yelled out again I heard nothing "Is this some kind of joke!" I yelled I rolled my eyes in the dark and started to walk hoping I would bump into something I heard a count down I wanted to hear where it was coming from but I couldn't make out the place it was so loud and sounded close by when they got to 1 that's when the lights came on and everything became so bright.

 "Happy Birthday!" I heard once my eye adjust it being clear I was on stage infront of everyone they were all yelling cheering, claping wishing me a happy birthday that's when it hit me today is new years ev. I looked around the club it was huge with lights every where with black and white balloons ,chairs, tables I smiled and looked down at everyone faces there were some of the people I met in art class a few teachers Jackson's whole family came I saw the twins and Kimmy way up front. I looked up and saw people swinging in long ropes, clowns, a person breathing fire out of it's mouth is looked like curies do lay.

 I felt someone rap their arms around me and whispered in my ear "Did you did all of this?" I asked. I truned around to face Jackson he looked so good he was wearing a black long sleve dressey shirt with black long pants and a white tie.

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