"Oh? Tell us more, Harry." Fred leaned in, a gleam in his eyes, a matching gleam in George's.

"Viktor Krum, from durmstrang. He's got it all. Since dear Draco hasn't realized who you are or how serious you are, he won't be as inclined to ignore Krum. Therefore until you're ready to reveal yourselves, you should show Dray Krums true colors. Krum is also very interested in a certain Hermione Granger."

I watched their thoughtful expressions, waiting patiently as they silently communicated.

"Granger is currently dating our idiot brother.-

"So the chances of Krum getting with her are pretty much nonexistent."

"Right. We can't risk him thinking of digging into our Draco."

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Definitely" I nearly shuddered at the evil grins the twins shared, but held it back. 'This is going to be interesting.'

"Expect a package around dinner time." They spoke as one, before closing their large book and standing. I absently noticed their hands brushing, as though wanting to clasp together but holding back just barely, and internally smiled. 'I wonder if the twins have always been together? I always thought they were extremely close but brushed it off as a twin thing. But maybe it wasn't just that after all.'

"Glad to do business with you." I waved, strolling out of the library satisfied.

I did get a small package at dinner a few hours later, and luckily Krum had decided to sit with us. I pulled the box, barely the size of my palm, into my lap and opened it. Inside is a few chocolate frogs, along with a slip of paper with a spell written on one side. I move the paper out of the box without anyone seeing it.

On one side are the words "ut omnis enim color cutis mico"

The other side says "have fun ; )"

Pointing a finger towards Krum, I burn the paper and take out the chocolate frogs. Placing them on the table I turn to Draco, saying the spell in my head at the same time. Before I can ask Draco if he wants a frog, Krum is suddenly flashing a different color every few seconds and students are looking at him in shock, before most burst out laughing. My face is blank as I look over a steadily panicking Krum, internally smirking. Draco is slightly pale, picking up a chocolate frog from my pile absently. I can't help but wonder how long it will take for the charm to wear off, and what will happen when someone tries to remove it. Deciding I'll find out eventually, I stand from the table and head back to the common room ignoring the angry gurgle of my empty stomach. I will eat something small in the morning, so I don't pass out from not eating. That would not be good.

The room I am in is vaguely familiar, but I am panicking too much to try and figure it out. In the back of my mind I know this is a nightmare, one I haven't had yet. This causes me to start panicking some more, my heart hammering away against my chest. Unable to help but wonder what sort of hell my mind has come up with this time. I'm kneeling on the cold floor, walls a deep

green and a high ceiling, sparse furniture comprised of two chairs with a small table between them. Malfoy Manor, one of the many sitting rooms. This is the one where I watch the torture of a muggle, Bellatrix cackling madly in the process. However, I don't see anyone else in the room yet. It's only a matter of time.

As though summoned by my thoughts, a little girl no older than ten walks in. She has short brown hair, big blue eyes, and wearing a bunny covered dress. Her tiny hands are clutching a teddy bear to her chest like it's her lifeline. She stops a few feet from me, tears silently tracing down her face, eyebrows scrunched together in pain.

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