Chapter Fourteen.

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 Holy crap you guys. We made it to over a hundred votes, and that is amazing! I am so amazed by everyone who reads this story and likes it. You guys are partly the reason why i keep on updating this story. If you want this to keep on going remember to vote, comment and all that good stuff. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, feel free to tell me! I'm open to just about anything. Also, I am planning on making a second story from this one once it is finished, and SPOILERS FOR UNCHARTED LOST LEGACY:

it's gonna be based on Uncharted: Lost Legacy of course, Ellie tagging along with Sam.

Okay, that's over. Again I want to thank all of my awesome readers for voting and really enjoying this story. I hope you guys also like the new cover! Alright I'm done. Go ahead and enjoy the chapter. 


A young Ellie walked through their motel door, seeing Sam leaning over the given desk and looking over a collection of papers. She noticed that the bathroom door was closed, the shower going.

Sam looked up, a smile growing on his face. "Hey, what's up?" He asked, shuffling the papers around so they seemed a little more neat, as well as he hid one under the very bottom of the pile.

Ellie set down the brown paper bag full of goods on a table, gesturing towards the bag. "I got our food."

Sam grinned, walking over and inspecting everything. "Great. Look at that, you even including Nate's favorite snack." He held up a box of animal crackers, which strangely enough Nate hates just because he thinks it's only for little kids, which he isn't anymore as he says.

Ellie rolled her eyes but chuckled slightly. "Very funny. The guy I got that off of was pretty sketchy..." She shuddered a little bit. Most of the stalls where she gets the food was good, the owners were very nice. But this one stall had a creepy guy who looked at Ellie wrong.

Sam frowned at that, setting down the box. "Well, want me to come with you next time?" He offered, in which Ellie nodded.

"Could you? That'd be great." Normally Ellie would have refused. She preferred doing these types of errands on her own and allowing Nate and Sam to do whatever dangerous things they were there for such as climbing buildings and running from the authorities.. It was surprising how many languages Ellie understood 'police' in.

There was then a cheeky smile on Sam's face and he looked over at Ellie. "So, no one in particular had told me that it was a certain someone's birthday today." Ellie smiled, crossing her arms and looking at him.

"Hm, I wonder who?" She nodded her head towards the door, silently talking about Nate. Sometimes the kid couldn't keep his mouth shut, even though sometimes he really should.

Sam chuckled, turning around in a spin and going over the the desk, pulling out the paper he had hid before under the larger stack of papers. "I just so happened to find a beautiful bracelet that the birthday girl saw before." He held up the paper, it being a flyer for an auction going off in the city's square.

Ellie's jaw dropped and she snactched up the paper, reading over the words. She saw the name for the bracelet, it certainly being there. But she nearly fainted at the price tag. "Four hundred dollars? Sam, you know I really like it and everything but that bracelet isn't worth four hundred dollars."

Sam's smirk never left his face and he took the flyer back. "Ellie, I'm disappointed! How long have you been with me and my dear brother?"

Ellie looked at him with an annoyed face. "A few years."

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