Chapter Seven.

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 She couldn't believe her eyes. He was here, right in front of her eyes. Sam's eyes lit up when he saw her, a smile tugged on his lips to reveal a toothy grin. He spread his arms out and inviting her in for a hug. "Hey Ellie." Sam breathed out.

Ellie set her jaw, walking over--well more like marching over to the boy. As much as she missed him, she strongly disliked the way he left. Instead of accepting his hug Ellie smacked him. "Morgan, I swear-" Ellie ended up cutting herself off, shaking her head as she saw his eyes widen slightly, holding his face where she slapped him. Ellie embraced him a hug this time kinda having to bend down slightly since she was a little taller.

Nathan rolled his eyes at the two, he knew that Sam was a jerk when he left without saying anything, but honestly those two needed more than just a hug. He was tired of hearing Sam quietly talk about her in that way. He just wanted to smush them together and yell at them to kiss each other.

But, you know, they would both pummel him.

"Okay guys, got your hugs in?" Nate asked, crossing his arms as the two pulled apart, Sam and Ellie glaring at them.

"Ha ha. But what the hell are you doing here, Sam?" Ellie asked, standing over by Nathan. She glanced over at his eye, seeing the bruise really taking place. Sam was bound to notice any time now.

"I came to show Nate something.....but I guess you can crash the party as well." Sam grinned at Ellie, winking slightly at her. He look over at Nate, seeing the bruise finally. "Woah.....what's that?" He asked, pointing at the bruise.

"Really? Again?"

Nate pushed his hand away, shrugging it off. "It's nothing." He replied, seeing Ellie who had a look of 'well crap' on her face.

"I told you to stay out of trouble though." Sam turned his head towards Ellie, who was staring at the ground and not making eye contact. He sighed slightly, taking a few steps towards her. "Why didn't you make sure he stayed out of trouble?"

"I did....for the most part. This last fight....well I rooted for Nate." Ellie muttered, she saw Nate spread his arms out in reaction of her making him explain the fight.

"He was talking shit about us, Sam." Nate started, taking in a breath of the cool air. The nights around this time of year were starting to get colder, he shivered slightly in the thin t-shirts he was wearing. Ellie looked cold as well, even though she had on a jacket.

"Okay...? So?"

"He said that dad dumped us here because we are worthless....and mom is in hell because-"

"Woah Nathan, Nathan come on they were just saying that because it gets to you." Sam cut Nathan off, not wanting to hear the rest of it. He heard plenty of the taunting himself, feeling bad that Nathan was now the target for the bullying. Even with Ellie there, Sam knew that this was something they had to deal with.

"You just gotta learn to laugh it off." He pushed Nate's shoulder softly, letting out a small smile.

" wouldn't." Nate glanced down, frowning slightly as he looked back up at Sam.

"Yeah well, do as I say not as I do." Sam let out a sharp breath, smiling again. "Now here..." He began to take off his jean jacket, putting it on Nate. "You'll catch a cold."

Ellie couldn't have helped but to smile at the brotherly affection, feeling a little bit jealous because she never really had something like that watching her back. There was Sister Hannah, but it was more of just a check-in every once in awhile. Then again, she was the closest thing she had to a family member. Ellie shivered again at the cold weather, zipping up her jacket and wrapping her arms around herself.

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