Chapter Eight.

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It was amazing to see the town, Ellie hasn't really been around there before, as she spent just about her entire life away from everyone else. The orphanage was not really secluded, but it wasn't in the center of the town either. Long story short, Ellie loved seeing everything in front of her as they rode across town to the other side, where the person who has the brothers Morgan their mothers things.

It was a bit of an uncomfortable ride for her, seeing as there really was only room for two people on the bike, and the seat Sam suggested wasn't Ellie's favorite choice. Sure, her and Sam were friends and everything but she felt as if this was just a step too far. Nevertheless, it got it's job done and they arrived at the house--more like mansion without any difficulties.

They pulled up to the large mansion, a huge gate protecting the home. Ellie couldn't help but to be awed by the size of it, she couldn't understand why someone why someone would need that amount of space. She could do just fine with a small home. Only the rich and powerful could have homes like these.

"Who is this person anyways?" Ellie as as Sam turned off the bike, the only noise being the sound of cicadas as the hum of the bike slowly faded away. "This place is gigantic, they have to be well known...right?"

Sam shrugged, helping Nate get off of the bike as Ellie got down by herself. "Doesn't matter., it's definitely the place though. I've been scoping the place out for a few days, no one's home."

Nate stood at the base of the massive gate hiding the home behind it, he looked the gate up and down. "Do you think we can get over the gate? Or jump over the wall?"

Sam looked past the gate, seeing that the walls surrounding the mansion wasn't as tall and had more foot-holes than the straight bars of the gate. "We can get over the wall, Nate you can go first then I'll help Ellie-"

"Guys, wait." Ellie cut them off once more. "We are breaking and entering, I thought it would just be wait in the lobby of some apartment building and get what we needed. Not breaking into a huge place, and climbing over obvious security!" She freaked, not wanting to get in serious trouble. The last she wanted to do was get arrested for something stupid.

Sam waved her off. "Oh, come on! It will be fine. Nothing will happen, we've done this before-"

"That's the thing!" Ellie interrupted him, her voice raising slightly. "I feel like I barely know you anymore! I mean, yeah you've told me about your climbing skills, that I have seen....but breaking in some house? Then you say you have done it before?!"

Nate stood behind Sam, an awkward look on his face as the two of them fought. He thought it was a bad idea to bring her along...he just knew it. Now, Ellie was flipping out and they were wasting time. But it was Sam's problem now, not his.

"Ellie.....Ellie calm down, okay? Just let me explain later, right now we have to go in and get our moms stuff. I know you think this is insane, but it's also for a good cause..." Sam tried to get her on board, picking and choosing his words a little bit too carefully. He didn't want Ellie to start running in the other direction.

Ellie put her face in her hands, trying to process this. She was debating in her head whether or not to start booking it in the other direction, but she couldn't just leave them. She was really doing this for Nate, she knew how much he loved his mom. Plus, someone had to make sure he would be okay. Ellie knew Sam meant well, but sometimes he forgot what kind of trouble he was dragging his little brother into.

"W-what if I just stay out here?" Ellie suggested, spreading her arms out a little bit. She didn't really want to go inside, just a small fear of hers of getting caught in the act and everything.

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