Chapter Three.

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 Ellie didn't realize she had fallen asleep before someone was tugging on her arm. She vaguely remembers last night, how Sam had taken her to the roof, the two began to talk most of the night. That's all she remembers, so Ellie must have fallen asleep at some point during the night.

"Ellie! Come on, the nuns are yelling at us!" He whispered yelled at her, shaking her arm more in attempts to wake her up and shake the grogginess off of her. After a yell again, she finally peeled open her eyes, seeing as they were still on the roof. She squinted slightly. The morning sun burned her eyes as she looked across the roof, seeing a window open and a group of nuns calling them to come back into the orphanage.

"Y-you, uh, fell asleep. Then I did, and now we are here." Sam explained sheepishly, helping Ellie get to her feet. "So now the nuns are mad at us because we snuck out and slept on the roof." His brown hair was sticking up all over the place, evident that he had gotten some sleep as well. There were bags ringing around Sam's eyes, like he didn't get much of it anyways.

"Morgan!" Ellie began, making her way down, following him. "You got me in trouble!"

"It's not my fault you fell asleep! I was going to wake you up but let me tell you, you are dead to the world when you are asleep!"

"You should have tried harder!"

The two teens continued to blame each other, a fight erupting between them as they climbed their way down from the roof and to the nuns. This was one of the only times Ellie has ever snuck out, the times she had walked around the halls instead of church didn't count. She was still technically in the orphanage.

After Sam and Ellie got back down, the nuns had ushered them into the headmaster's office, the guy who runs this place, Mister Jefferis hated Ellie. Ever since she had been there, he always seems to direct his hate towards her. Ellie had a feeling it was the same way with Sam.

He got pushed in there first before Ellie did, so she sat in the hallway in a wooden chair while the nuns had watched her. Ellie wore her night clothes, a baggy gray t-shirt, red sweatpants and the jacket she had put on.

The door had finally opened, the stern looking headmaster stood by the doorway while Sam had plopped down in the chair next to her, sighing heavily. He turned towards her, the look on his face said I'll tell you about it later.

"Ms Jones. My office if you will." Mister Jefferis unusually high voice had ordered her. Ellie solemnly rose from the chair, dragging her feet into the office until she stopped at the chair, waiting to be told to sit down. It was one strange rule that she never really understood, that she had to be told to sit down in a chair. Another reason Ellie was just itching to turn twenty so she could finally get out of there.

Mister Jefferis sat down in his own chair, before gesturing to the one in front of his desk. Ellie nodded, keeping her head down low as she sat down in the chair, her knees pressed together tightly as her hands were folded in her lap.

"Ms Jones. You and Samuel Morgan were on the roof overnight, were you not?"

"Yes Headmaster. We were on the roof."

"For how long?"

"Well, if it is eight o'clock now, six hours sir."

"What were you two doing up there, and, how did you get up there?"

"We climbed, sir. He wanted to show me what the city looked like from above, as well as the stars sir."

"Is there a reason behind that?"

Ellie shrugged, trying to avoid making eye contact with the man. "He never told me, sir. Sam appeared at my window, asking me if I wanted to go and I said yes."

"Hm. I see. It seems as though Mr. Morgan is behind this, not to mention we now know who has been scaling out building during the nights and obstructing the property. You are lucky, Ms Jones. Your punishment is that you cannot go anywhere without an escort, preferably Sister Barbara."

Silently, Ellie scoffed. She hated that one nun, in which Ellie has mentioned before that Sister Barbara is the complete opposite of Sister Hannah. Sister Hannah was the sweetest, most laid back nun Ellie has ever met. Sister Barbara was like Satan decided to mess up her birth and create a demon.

Okay, not that bad, but she was still a bitch.

"Now, as for Mr. Morgan, once he turns eighteen, which I believe is in three weeks, he will be removed from the property and will be asked to never return again." Mister Jefferis told her flat out. Ellie's eyes widened, and her jaw dropped.

"You can't kick him out until he's twenty!" She protested, resisting the very strong urge to jump up out of her chair and get right into his face. Ellie decided against that, as she wants to keep her own place there until the right time.

"Actually, we can. Once someone turns eighteen, we are entitled to let them go if needed. You are now dismissed, Ms, Jones."

Ellie angrily stomped out of there, a bubble of pure hatred surrounding the girl as she stormed passed Sam, all the way to her own dorm room. But, she didn't get to far before a hand closed around her arm, yanking Ellie back. She was met with the hazel eyes of Sam Morgan.

"What the hell Jones? I think after a two people get into a fight and one has to leave for war, they talk about it."


Sam scoffed. "It was meant as a joke."

"Yeah, well I didn't get it."

"Of course you wouldn't. Anyways, can we just please talk about this?"

Ellie pursed her lips. "Fine. We talk in the library, got it?"

After Ellie had walked off, and Sam had trudged back to his own dorm, the two met up after breakfast in the library. Ellie was sitting in the way back, the book Sam had given her was on the table, open as she read the pages.

Sam silently sat down across from her, folding his hands on the table. "Can I go first?"

"Go right ahead." She spoke, softly closing the book so she wouldn't cause any damage to it's fragile bindings.

"I can clearly tell that you are upset, I'm not exactly sure why because I barely know you and everything. Is it because I got you in trouble....or...?"

Ellie sighed, putting her head in her hands before looking back up at him. "I'm upset because I didn't get in as much trouble as you did, it was both of our faults and you got the worse end."

"Well, to be fair sweetheart, I have been doing shit like that much longer than you have. It pretty much runs in the family."

She raised an eyebrow. "Sweetheart?"

"That's seriously what you respond to?"

"Oh be quiet, Sam."

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