At Peace

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It was a beautiful day when they laid Richard Grayson to rest.

There was a gentle breeze and the sun was shining faithfully. There was even a robin's song being played the whole time.

At first everyone was upset when they heard the robin but then they took it as a sign that Dick was okay.

The entire Justice League and the original Young Justice team as well as all the new members attended the funeral. The Bat Clan had their masks off and were in civvies so no one figured it out. Until Wally pointed it out. Much to Bruce's initial annoyance but Wally had simply had enough of masks and secret identities for a while.

Barbara was sitting next to Tim and he was sitting next to Damian (yes the little Demon Spawn is in here) who was sitting next to Bruce. On Bruce's other side were Alfred, Wally, Artemis, Kaldur, Connor and M'gann.

In the second row behind them were their respective mentors. And others.

They were guests who Beast Boy and Robin persuaded the League to let them come.

The Titans.

With a deep sigh, Bruce stood up and walked to the gravestone and casket. He was soon followed by his proteges, Alfred, and the YJ team as well as the Titans.

The casket was beautiful. A sleek black with his blue Nightwing emblem engraved on it. As well as a red R above that for his Robin persona.

Bruce's eyes flitted over to the two other graves and he silently apologized in his head.

He was being buried next to his parents.

The funeral director came up to them and told them it was time, that only those closest can stay this close for the burial.

So Bruce, Tim, Barbara, Damian and Alfred and the original YJ team stayed... as they watched their son, brother, and friend be put six feet under.

As he was being lowered those closest to him had their final thoughts of Richard "Dick" Grayson.

Bruce: I know I haven't been the greatest father and mentor in the world but you have been the best son. You made me see happiness and joy in the world again...

Alfred: Oh Master Dick... no matter what the world says... you will always be a true hero to me... and you will always be my grandson.

Tim: You were the best brother I ever could have hoped for. And the best mentor when Bruce was off world. You... you pushed me to my limits to show me what I was really capable of...

Barbara: Oh Dick... you were my closest friend. My first partner. And my first crush. What am I supposed to do now, without you?

Damian: Damn you Grayson... I haven't cried since I was six... why did you have to leave me? Leave us?

Wally: I will never forgive myself for what I said and did, even if you already have. You will always be my best friend, and forever my baby brother.

All YJ members: You were an amazing mentor/friend/teammate/ leader!

All Titan members (former and present): The Titans will never forget you or anything you've done. You were our first leader and forever the best.

And he was silently lowered into the ground.

Hours then passed as one by one everyone left to go to the Watch Tower, even the Titans, so they could all be together for the night.

When dusk finally fell is when a surprised visitor came up to the grave. Silently he removed his red hood.

"Great work Dickie-bird, you made everyone depressed..."

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