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"Normal life? What's a normal life?"

After defeating Neverseen things were to go back to normal. The only problem was Sophie didn't know what normal was. She had no idea what to do. So after a fair amount of whining and pleading from Biana and everyone in the group(but mostly Biana), Sophie got her matchmaking scroll.  If she only knew how much that scroll would affect everything. It would change the course of her life for better or worse. Sophie had a choice. She had to choose.


"Come on! You've stalled enough! It's not like we have anything super important to do!" Biana whined

"I've told you a million times! I want to wait!" Sophie yelled back in response


"That's for me to know and for you to not" Sophie lowered her voice as she spoke, almost lost in thought.

Her trance was broke as Biana got down on her knees with hands pressed together pleading, "please Sophie? It's just a scroll, just one. What's so bad about that. Please? Can you see that I'm begging here?"

Sophie's lips turned upward at Bianas state of desperation. "I can see that your begging and it's really amusing to watch but I already told..." Then she seemed to go silent as she looked of into space. After minutes of Sophie lost in her thoughts a sigh rang through the room. "I...fine. I'll get a matchmaking scroll. Happy?"
"Yes! I'm super-ooper-duper excited! I'm gonna go tell everyone!"
She ran out of Sophie's room to the hallway where she looked down from the banister through the curved staircase. "She said yes guys!"

A chourus of yeses and whoops went through the open room and Sophie came out to Biana to see Fitz, Keefe, Dex, Tam, Linh, and all of their family members, except for Tam and Linh's parents. Even Mr. Sencen was there. "Biana, you've got three seconds to run before I catch up and strangle you"
Biana's eyes widened before she bolted down the steps, running like her life depended on it.
By the time they both got down the stairs Sophie had caught up with Biana and was tackling her to the ground, laughs and screams flying around the room. They both lied on the floor breathing deeply, looking up at the ceiling while everyone stood abound them staring in wonder at the two best friends. This was sure to be a crazy normal life.

Aye chapter one? Yes? What did ya think? I'm gonna try out a new schedule so I'll post sometime before next Sunday. :)


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