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Naima's p.o.v

Yesterday was really a handful. With Elsea and Grayson at work I had to entertain two kids at once. Sure, Wayde can entertain himself and I can focus on Esther, but as soon as Wayde gets bored he comes to me. But today is another day and it's the women in music awards.

I love this award show because of all the wonderful women I get to meet, the performances are like nothing else. Also this is Elsea's first time going and she's going as my plus one. Now when I think about it, she has actually been there before, when I was 30 weeks pregnant with her I went there. Which wasn't the smartest thing that I've ever done, since I felt like shit. But now I'm back and better than ever.

"Mom! Can you please help me?" Elsea shouts from upstairs and I put my computer away to help her.

"Comin" I run up the stairs and when I enter her room I see her sitting on the floor crawled up in a ball. I quickly come her side and sit down beside her, putting my arms around her. "What's up princess?"

"I think I'm in love with Ezra and I'm having a full-fledged freak out because I shouldn't catch feelings for him 'cause we're costars and everything" she talks in like 100 miles per hour but I think I got what she says.

"And who cares that you're costars?" I say softly and she looks up at me.

"Everyone mom! What if it doesn't work out?" She exclaims and bows her head down again. And I give her a soft kiss on the back of her head to show her that I'm here.

"Or it works out to something beautiful. That's what happened to Ethan and Jen, remember? They got so much hate when they started their relationship but they didn't care and now they're married. That could be you"

"Or I could be the one left with a broken heart and a costar whom I can't work with" she sighs and I shake my head.

"Go for it, I see in the way he looks at you that he wants you. You only regret the chances you didn't take"

"You're like a living quote book mom" she smiles again and that makes me happy "but for tonight I only want to go out and enjoy myself" she mumbles and looks at me again, with a small smile but it's definitely there.

"Perfect honey. I know you'll do the right thing, you always do. Come on, let's get dressed" I drag her up from the floor and she hugs me.

"Love you mom"

✱ ✱ ✱

I zip my dress in the back and then bend over to fix my heels. My dress is just very simple but the accessories, that's where the party happens. I look at myself in the hallway mirror and I straighten my dress but I quickly stop when I see my beautiful daughter coming down the stairs.

"You look amazing darling" I say when she's close to me and I kiss her on the forehead. She hugs me from the side before taking her heels from the rack and tying the long laces up her legs.

"Of course I do. I designed it" she jokes and I smile big. She's getting so old and mature, it's all happening way too fast.

"You're truly awesome. But I think our car is here, come on"

We hear the loud screaming of teenage girls as soon as we step out of the car. We separate and go off writing autographs on each side of the red carpet. I do some small talk with the people in the crowd, ask them how they're doing and so on. Then I reunite with Elsea to do the red carpet. It must look kinda stupid to some people that she's much taller than me, but I've got used to it by now.

✱ ✱ ✱

"Mom I just met Miley Cyrus, she's the coolest ever" Elsea excitedly squeal when we meet up in the mingle room before the show.

"I told you. Where is she anyway? Haven't met her in a while" I ask her and Elsea points towards the bar before running off to the next celebrity. I laugh at her and heads towards the bar.
But before I get there I get stopped by a man, gently touching my shoulder.

"Hello, I'm from entertainment weekly and would it be okay if I asked a few questions?" Of course. Well well, Miley can wait.

"Yeah, sure" I smile and he takes his phone up to record the conversation. I don't really know how this guy got in here, I thought it would only be attendants of the show here but I guess not.

"Lovely to be here tonight, let's start off easy. What are you wearing?"

"I'm wearing a dress by Valentino and shoes from Sergio Rossi" I say with a smile.

"Wonderful. Who did you bring as your plus one this fine evening?"

"I brought my daughter Elsea"

"Amazing. Speaking of kids, give me a quickly review of all three children's names"

"Alright lets see, Elsea Pearl Dolan is because we thought Elsea sounded really cute and unique, Pearl is because her aunt wanted her to always remember that she's a pearl. Wayde is actually my grandfather's middle name and we thought it matched our kid well and Galaxy is his uncle's choice, since he has always wanted to go to space. Esther is named after my very good childhood friend that I really wanted to honor and her middle name Lyric is because lyrics is such a big part of our lives"

✱ ✱ ✱
Before I know it, I'm going in to the show with Elsea. The interviewer really tried to pressure me to answer one question about having a fourth child and I avoided it but he kept pushing so I stopped the interview to talk with Miley instead.
Him asking that question just got to much to me, I tried to get around it but he wouldn't give in. Therefore I left.

Maybe one hour into the show, the host takes the microphone and walks to the end of the stage, probably to say something deep and meaningful.

"Hope everyone is having a lovely evening, I sure know I have. With us here today sits a wonderful woman who this year has been in the industry professionally for twenty years. Twenty years folks, that's like a smaller eternity!" She laughs and the whole audience cheers "we would like to honor this powerful woman with a little something. Here's your life put in a small movie. Enjoy this tribute, Naima Watson everybody!"

The clip starts rolling and it actually is me. I've been in this industry for twenty years? Man I'm getting old.
My childhood is rolling by on the big screen and they really must've searched hard to find these. I feel the tears burning in my eyes and Elsea smiles at me and puts a hand on my thigh. I look up again and I see my first interview, I remember it so well. Mostly because it was awkward but it was a big milestone for me. Then my first concert and that teen choice awards where Grayson and I announced our relationship, we've been through so much since then. And then a bunch of pictures from my Instagram, basically just from my everyday life.

When the pictures from Elsea's birth and my wedding comes up, I totally lose it. Elsea dries my tears and giggles at me. I smile at her and the next thing I see on the screen is pictures of me and my friends, including Grayson. They are from all kind of ages, but the really do remind me of how great my life has been.
The also show the pictures from Wayde's and Esther's births, which is so beautiful. For a split second I think about the baby I could've had, but I quickly push it away.

"Naima Watson, welcome to the stage!" I stand up and jog the small distance to the stage. I give the host a quick hug before taking the microphone.

"Wow what a surprise, thanks everyone. I just want to say one thing to all the young girls and women out there, I know you'll make it if you believe in yourself, because I believe in you. Never stop fighting, it will be so worth it in the end. People will laugh at you and shut you down, but that's an even bigger reason to prove them wrong. I believe in you girl, I can't wait to see your name everywhere. I love you"


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