♡ Part One | 20,000 won

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"Aish." you muttered under your breathe as your class treasurer has finally arrived at your row. You're short of won at the moment since you've bought the limited edition chocolate on your way to school.

You can't tell whether you regret it either way though, since eating that bar of chocolate is heaven!

She's currently collecting your class fund which will end at last month of the school year. But now you're starting to hate it as months passed by, not only it did lessen your allowance, but it also forbids you to buy your daily candies to munch every time you're bored.

sighing in defeat, you glance at your hands with 20,000 wons. It wasn't really enough to pay for all the days you've purposely missed. Your teacher might scold you for it later before you go home.

Bidding a short goodbye on the drama you're always watching when you got home, you sat there patiently waiting for your classmate to get your payment.

amidst your distressed self, and almost in the verge of screaming in anger, a soft chuckle never failed to reach your alarmed ears. You slowly turn to look at your seatmate who sat there chuckling adorably.

Park Jimin.


he stiffled his laughter, as he gave you a sheepish grin, "Sorry, (name). I was watching you this whole time, and I can't help but laugh since your expressions were hilariously adorable."


you frowned your eyebrows at the boy,
"Shall I take it as a compliment then? Or you meant it sarcastically?"

he grinned, his crooked tooth showing.
"Well, that's definitely a compliment."

with a huff, you puckered your lips as you glance at the blackboard, "I'm just short at won at the moment." you reasoned, spacing the slightest.

he hummed in response watching you stare at something you probably found interesting. Without hesitation, he grab his wallet, and fish out a hundred won from it. He soon tapped your shoulder to gain your attention.

Turning your head around to face him, he gestured for you to look down. Upon settling your eyes on the money resting on his palm you immediately shook your head.

"N-no! that's not clearly my intention! You shouldn't have." you tried to deny his offer, but he insisted otherwise, even urging you to take it all since he had loads of changes, and he needs to empty it in any ways he could.

That's just a bummer.

"Are you sure I can take it? This isn't a borrowed money that I'll return someday or make an exchange that's equivalent in its value?" you inquired, looking at the male questionably.

This time, the brunette laugh heartily as he throw his head back laughing. He suddenly grab your arm hugging it in the process, as he nuzzle his face at it, still laughing with a faint blush dusting his soft cheeks.

His actions made you blush. HARD.
I mean, who would just go and grab a person's arm out of embarrassment and hug it instinctively?


I tell you, it's Jimin.

He stopped soon after, as he glanced up to meet your eyes with his own which is slightly covered in small slits. "(name), why are you so adorable?"

In the end you managed to pay your remaining balance, with an adorable koala tugging at your arm.

But you didn't even complain.

especially if it's a cute koala.

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
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