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It's been days since the meeting with the Alpha's and Luna's and my mind won't stop. The thought of seeing my capture once again haunts me constantly. I feel on edge no matter where I am, the only source of calm being Gabriel. Our body's have come closer, my muscles loosen when he is with me, like I unconsciously know he will protect me if needed. He sleeps in the bed during the night now, though I know he is scared of getting close to me, like I will break with a touch. I may need him close but I do not want his affection.

But my mind is constantly stuck in the past reviewing my previous life and the hurt that came with it. The fact that I may come face to face with sir both terrifies me and excites me powering me to get the revenge i crave. Only imagining his blood I feel my instinct kick in and my wolf form ready to do the job it was built for. My body betrays my mind and with the thought of ripping his throat out I cower even further into my sitting position.

Sitting on the sofa beside me Chelsea tugs a pillow tight to her chest, eyes glued to the tv and Gwen in the arm chair across the room just as captivated by the movie as the small girl. Both detached from the world around them, me taking the liberty to keep watch over them. Surprisingly i am happy to protect the two girls, knowing the old me i would have laughed at there ignorance of the world around them, but now, it's odd to even think it but i look at them somewhat as maybe pack mates. I quickly shake the thought off. These girls are only weaknesses dragging me down and i can only tolerate them for the moment i am stuck here with Gabriel.

Had i become to comfortable here, i hadn't even set foot in a proper home before this and now look at me, some cuddly dog sitting on the couch with a blanky. 

I've relied on Gabriel and the safety of his pack too long, and with this thought my instinct pushes at me like a light tug, keep moving, never stop. 

Animals never stop, wolves move and flight to survive. Looking at myself now i know that i must keep moving, the comfort of Gabriel's pack has become too much, i've let my guard down, and with that i may have learnt a lot about mates, how werewolves live and modern technologies. But that is without a doubt a bad thing. This comfort has become like a shield to the realities of my life, a life of running. 

It seemed odd to me in the beginning. To watch other people's lives on some weird rectangle machine. It's all so fascinating. We watched some movie about talking fish The father had lost his son and all it reminded me of was how sir would surly be hunting me down. He was a determined man and though it has been years I know he will be looking for me, his little toy to do with what he pleases, longing to spill my blood.

I am pulled from my thoughts hearing Chelsea's scream and immediately i'm on alert, my body wrapped around her's protectively, muscles clenched like a wall not willing to move.

"Eira!" she whines out "not again." she grips at my t-shirt trying to move me from her view of the tv. It's then I notice what made here scream, a bigger scarier fish had been chasing the other two.

I exhale my muscles relaxing knowing there is no threat. She laughs at me telling me I'm silly. 

**** **** ****

I wake up to the creek of the door opening and move to a sitting position. Looking around i notice Chelsea asleep on the other end of the couch and Gwen sleeping in the arm chair neck bent in a weird position. Looking towards the entry way i notice Gabriel walking in.

I feel myself being tugged, pulled towards the  Alpha. The man who is supposed to be hard and mean, the man who could hurt me with only a wish, a command. Gabriel has been busy in the days we have been back. With what i can only assume communicating with elders and the other packs willing to cooperate. 

Looking at the Alpha i notice how tired he is, dark circles line his eyes and there is a slight slouch in his posture.

"Gabriel!" Chelsea squeals, awake from her nap and running towards the stoic man in the doorway. She hugs him tightly her small arms barely wrapping all the way around his body. Smiling he welcomes her with open arms.

"Ahggg, Who let me sleep on this couch" Gwen wines rubbing her neck and moving it from side to side.

"You should have learnt your lesson from all the other times you've slept there Gwen." Gabriel says, voice full of humour. She sticks her tongue out in retort. 

His eyes catch mine before i even know it and I'm lost in them. He smiles at me and all traces of tired are erased from his face. 

"Come with me." 


A/N: I'm back! 

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