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My heart pounded in my chest with fear and anger, I powered towards the scene unfolding front of me.

A woman, only a few years older than I is strapped to a pole by her hands. Her faced jammed against the splintering wood conveys the pain rippling throughout her body, her eyes closed tight, mouth clamped together and muscles clenched attempting to ease the pain. A man standing only a few meters from her stands holding a whip a sickening grin on his face as he brings it down her back electing a scream from her mouth, his grin only grows as does my disgust for this man.

In the time it takes for me to get to him the whip is in the air ready to be brought down on the woman's back once again. Though before that can happen I intercept. In one long stride my hind legs are propelling me through the air towards the man. Paw's make contact with the mans chest pushing him to the ground and my jaws are around his neck before anyone can register what has happened.

I growl low in warning for him not to move a muscle my instinct calling me to kill this disgusting man. He struggles out of fear, squirming in my grasp and as a result I tighten the grip on his neck, blood trickles into my mouth only spurring me on to finish the kill.

The surrounding wolves struggle with their minds weather or not to intervene, it could cause the man's death or maybe save his pathetic life.

"EIRA!" a powerful voice booms and I lift my eyes to see the rest of the wolves struggling not to succumb to the power the voice held. Gabriel pushes through the crowd almost knocking them to the grounding his haste and their surprise.

He stands over me "Let him go now!" to anyone else they would only sense the Alpha command in his voice, though I did notice it I could hear his worry and maybe a hint of fear.

Torn between my instinct and the common sense to know when I am beaten I still in my position.

"You must Eira." he says quietly vulnerability seeping from his voice.

Slowly I realise the hold on his throat looking into his eyes dangerously warning him, giving him a look at the one who could end his life within seconds. I lick the blood that remains on my teeth savouring the taste of his fear.

Looking towards Gabriel I see the disappointment on his face, an unknown feeling passes through me. Not being able to see that look on his face any longer I turn heading towards the convulsing girl still tied to the wooden pole, shirt ripped and back exposed showing the blood that dribbles down her back.

Tears stream down her face conveying the pain and humiliation she feels, at this I am angered, unable to bear seeing another person in such a position. I growl only thinking of it.

The girl jumps from fright only now noticing my form in front of her.

"T-Thank you. B-but you shouldn-n't have d-done that it only makes it worse." she says looking into my eyes her words stuttered her sobs getting in the way. I only shake my head at this, further disgusted at the leaders who treat their pack as such.

Seeing her hands still tied and causing further pain I use my teeth to break the restraint and she slumps lower on the pole trying to gain some kind of relief. Walking behind her I notice the Alpha from earlier gone, though other's have joined to see the commotion. Ignoring them I observe the wounds on her back noticing how cut up her skin is, like someone had taken a knife to it.

I lick the cuts, in a caring matter, somewhat how a fellow pack member would. I clean them hoping to provide her relief from the pain and she looks back to me, tears shine in her eyes, though I'm glad her weeping has stoped.

"Lets go Eira." Gabriel's voice comes from behind me and I decide to obey, not wanting to upset him more.

*** *** *** ***

Sitting on the soft carpet of the room that Gabriel and I share he stands pacing in front of me.

The bed sits behind me its plush sheets calling to me, across from the bed is a small white tiled bathroom and a dresser in the corner of the room to accommodate clothes. It's small but well decorated with a comforting feel to it.

"This is going to complicate things." he says with a frustrated huff pulling at his hair. "I knew you wouldn't be okay with the way things are with some packs, but I didn't anticipate that happening." I felt bad, something I would blame on this whole mate thing.

He pulls at his hair and let's out a growl. "Let's just go to bed. I'll figure this out in the morning."

I sit unmoving wondering if we have to sleep in the same bed. At this thought Gabriel grabs a few blankets off the bed along with a pillow and puts them on the floor. He lays on the floor and shifts around a few times attempting to feel comfortable and I feel bad being such an inconvenience for him. Though unable to communicate this with him I jump up onto the bed.

Sleep never comes, my thoughts consume me, unable to forgive myself for bringing such frustration and turmoil into Gabriel's life, he probably want's a normal mate, someone who can love him and his pack. I can hear him snoring loudly and I try to listen to his breathing to calm me but nothing works. The sun is brings light across the room banishing the darkness and I realise it's hopeless to get any sleep at this point.

Jumping down from the bed I head toward the bathroom dodging Gabriel in the process. Closing the door with my nose I try to gain some privacy. Putting two feet on the counter I look into the mirror, my eyes the same bright blue as my human form, but my black fur a stark contrast to the white my human body holds. I wonder maybe if I was a normal wolf everything would be okay, I wouldn't be such a hassle for Alpha Gabriel.

Imagining my human form, unexpectedly I feel pain throughout my body, my bones crack and I realise I am shifting. Panicking I try to reach for the door but I can't and my body aches.

It feels like growing pains but ten times worse and I am on the bathroom floor attempting to catch my breath. Foot steps vibrate through the floor and the door is swing open to reveal Gabriel. Surprised he bends down to pick me up, I don't protest and he takes me to the soft bed.

"Are you okay?" he asks concerned and I nod my head up and down regaining my composure.

Feeling emotions come over me I look down towards my lap guilty unable to look at him and I wonder if he is still disappointed with me.

"I-I don't wan-nt you to be mad-d at me." I said sadly. "I h-had to help her..." he puts a finger under my chin making me look into his eyes, he wipes away tears I didn't know had been there.

"Bec-cause t-they used t-to do that to m-me." I struggle to get the words out as even more tears come, a life time of emotions running down my face.

"What! Who? Who did that to you?" he demands, but I decide not to talk anymore unable to relive the memories.

Realising I'm not going to talk about it anymore "Okay" he says though I know he's trying to hold himself back from asking anymore questions. "We can talk about it when your ready." Leaning over he brushes hair out of my face and unable to process properly I accept his touch.

"I'll get someone to get you some clothes and we can go down to get some breakfast." he say's and immediately I cover myself with a pillow embarrassed, only now noticing I am naked my face heating up.

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