Looking Glass

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 Is there any underlying 'goal' to life? I often ponder this question. Is it getting a good career and buying a house? Starting a family? Travelling the world? Maybe none of us have the answer.

Maybe there are no easy answers. Maybe the answers are hidden within us, and within the universe, waiting to be discovered. Maybe I'm just a mannequin moving through my life, being gawked at for entertainment and waiting and hoping and wishing for an ounce of motivation-

Or maybe life isn't even real, or important. You could say that. After all, with all the suffering in this world, all the unfairness, is it really fair, in and of itself, to say that life is good? How can something so painful be called 'good'?

All we can do is stumble until we eventually catch our footing. So until then, I will continue staring at the stars that shine above. I will continue to gaze forwards. I will continue stomping through my life with an earbud in one ear and lies in the other.

I will keep staring through the looking glass, until it stares back at me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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