Episode 7-Tensions

Start from the beginning

Miguel: WHAT THE HELL ASHLEY? STOP LEAVING YOUR FUCKING BRA ON THE FLOOR! (throwing Ashley's bra on her couch)

Ashley: HOW ABOUT YOU STOP PUTTING THIS FUCKING LAMP RIGHT ABOVE ME! (unplugs the lamp and throws it on the ground where it breaks)

Miguel: It was on the FUCKING dresser. Where the fuck else am I supposed to put it? On the goddamn window sill?

Ashley: Anywhere where its not shining in my goddamn face at night, or first thing in the morning!

Miguel: Where the hell is that? Because as far I'm concerned this room is so damn small that anywhere I would've put it would've been shining in your damn face.

Ashley: And that's my problem how?

Miguel: Because you're the one complaining about where its at. You know what, I can't do this. (walks out of the room0

Amy: Miguel, you okay?

Miguel: Oh thanks Amy and Ricky. Nice to know that you two were listening in through the bathroom this whole time. Instead of stepping in and trying to help.

Amy: Sorry.

Miguel: Oh you're sorry? I highly doubt that. It was probably entertainment to you guys. Seeing as though fights and feuds are the only things that seem constant in this shitty ass town.

Ricky: Wow, calm down. It was not entertainment. What did you exactly did you expect us to do about that?

Miguel: I don't know, how about stop the fight. Don't you two own the apartment? Or were you two afraid? Afraid that it would seem as though you were choosing sides?

Ricky: No, that's not it at all.

Miguel: Then what the hell is it!

Amy: Calm down.


Ricky: And just what the hell do you want us to about it? Do you think we're not trying to figure that out? Because we are. We are trying to figure out just exactly what to do. But we have no idea. WE HAVE NO SOLUTION! SO YOU'RE JUST GOING HAVE TO FUCKING SUCK IT UP AND DEAL WITH IT FOR NOW!

Miguel: That's where you're wrong. I don't have to deal with it. I don't have to suck it up. You have to deal with it. You have to suck it up. And until you figure it out, I will not be living here.

Ricky: What does that mean? You agreed to be John's live in baby sitter.

Miguel: I will still be John's babysitter. I just won't be in a live in one. I can not live like this. Its chaotic.


Miguel: NO! But you can take it however the hell you want because I'm not about to sit here and fight.

Miguel then proceeded to go back to the room. Where he packed his bags, walked to the living room, said goodbye to John and left the apartment.

Amy: Well, thank you Ashley. (rolls eyes)

Ashley: What, Amy, what?

Amy: Thanks to you, John no longer has a live-in babysitter.

Ashley: At least he still has a babysitter.

Amy: Yes, but now we may have to pay him mileage when his car comes in from New York, and he uses it to drive John around while me and Ricky are at work.

Ashley: So you're blaming this on me?

Amy: Yeah, I am. Because as always you just had to start a fight. And because you started that fight Miguel decided he didn't want to live here anymore.

Ashley: I didn't see you trying to stop him from leaving. So my guess is we are all to blame here.


Ashley: Oh whatever Amy. You believe whatever the hell you want too.

Amy: Just get out of my face! Go back to your room Ashley.

Ashley: Gladly! *mutters under her breath* at least I don't have to see you in there.

Amy: I heard that you little bitch.

Ricky: You okay Amy?

Amy: No, Miguel was right. Space is cramped here and its creating all kinds of chaos. I now realize he wasn't referring to the two pregnant women being chaotic.

Anne's House-Margaret's POV

I parked on the street as usual. Instead of walking up through the driveway I decided this time I wasn't gonna be caring about her lawn, and walked right through the front lawn. I marched up the stairs and knocked on her front door. I heard footsteps shuffling inside and the door opened and on the other side I saw Anne in her pajamas looking as if she had not showered all week.

Margaret: May I come in?

Anne: Yes.

I walked through the door and into the living room.

Anne: Listen...

Margaret: No, don't even try to explain. Not yet at least. Let me talk first. Let me say what I came here to say.

Anne: Okay.

Margaret: What you did to Ashley was wrong. I didn't see you doing anything like this when Amy was pregnant. No, instead you opened your arms to Amy. But to Ashley you shun and you shame her. You are a hypocrite Anne. No child should ever have to hear the words you said from their parents mouth. But you don't care do you? It doesn't matter to you because Amy was always your favorite. Other people may have been blind to the fact, but I wasn't. I knew.

Anne: That wasn't it at all. You don't understand. You haven't had to deal with something like this. Even more, you haven't had to deal with something like this twice.

Margaret: Oh, my bad. I guess you've just forgotten about Ricky and Ethan. Because as far as I'm concerned their situations were pretty, if not exactly similar as to what your girls have been through.


Margaret: So now gender plays a role in this?

Anne: Obviously.

Margaret: Wow. You've only gotten more ignorant since when I first met you! I came here to try and talk to sense into you. But you know, now I see that it was just a waste of time. There is not talking to sense into you. There is no talking reasoning. There is no trying to understand what you did. Because what you did is not okay. No matter how much you try to justify it. There is no coming back from it. You've burned most, if not all bridges you have here now. The only bridge you have left is George as I assume he doesn't know. But the second he finds out, that bridge is gonna burn down faster then a wildfire. So best of fucking luck to you Anne. Good luck trying to get anyone back on your side now. This time, we're all going against you.


AN: Yeah, I know I haven't updated in awhile. I've been trying to work through some things. I stepped away because I thought that would help in dealing with it. I was wrong, writing is my way of coping, writing is my release. And it will be until I get the chance to see my friends from my hometown of 14 years known as Phoenix.

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