Chapter 7

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Amazing song definitely should watch!

Where we left off.
Sin's POV

I felt like I was frozen still when I heard Nio say that. She was getting married? How long did she know about this? Is this why she said that she can't be with me. My heart was aching that y/n wouldn' t be mine. I always thought that she would have found someone to take over Artinia and become my queen. But I can't have everything that I want. But I wish destiny had just let me have her. I notice that y/n was looking at me from the stage, but all of a sudden she started to run in my direction. When she got to me I stood up and walked up to her. She then said, " Sin I can explain."

Y/n's Pov

" I really would like to know what just happened there." Sin said a little angry. I then take him to my room where we could talk privately. " Sin I-" " Is this why you said you couldn't be with me because of this engagement?" " This engagement had nothing to what I said to you. I said that we couldn't be together because you're a king of a country and I am going be a queen of my own soon. I didn't even know about the engagement when I told you." "That doesn't make sense. We can still be together you just bring the next power up." " Sin, there is no one else. The council will not give the crown to Nio. There is no one else that has been taught to be a ruler." " What about Kala or Aldrin?" " I know Aldrin wasn't, b-but I don't know about Kala." " Then we can ask her." " Sin, I-" " Y/n," he said putting his hand on my chin so I would look up at him. " Sin, I love you, but not everything can go our way in life." A tear went down my cheek. Before it could fall Sin wiped it away. All of a sudden his eyes widen, as his face changed from saddens to happiness. " Are you alright?" I asked. He then put his hands on my shoulders smiling. " what?" " y/n, technically you are not engaged to Christopher." " What!?Really! But how?" " When I last came to Artinia after our meeting with your parents I asked to talk to your father privately." " Yeah, I remember. What were you talking about with him?" " I asked him for his blessing in proposing to you in the future." "W-Wait! Y-You did!" " I have loved you for so long y/n. The first time I met you. I knew you were someone special to me." " Oh, Sin. I loved you for so long as well. But I thought you would never love me." " Are you crazy?! You were the only thing I could think about." " But what did my father say to you?"
" He said that if you truly loved me and that I truly loved you he would let you come with me and become my queen. But if you didn't that you would stay being the queen of Artinia." " But who would be the next ruler of Artinia?" Sin and I thought about this for a minute until we both got imaginary light bulbs over our heads. " Kala!!" We said in unison.

Christopher's Pov

I am so happy to finally be with y/n. But, after the announcement of our engagement, she ran to the king of Sindria in a worried look which was weird. Then I see that she takes him somewhere. I really do not like him. I then secretly follow them to where they were going.

After following them for a few minutes I realize that y/n was taking him to her room. I become furious thinking of what she was going to do with the king.

Once y/n closed the door to her room I put my ear to the door to see if I can hear what they are doing. Fortunately, she wasn't cheating on me but what I heard broke my heart. She said she loved him and not me. Hearing that made me even more furious. Instead of barging in there I went back to the festival.

Getting back to the party I go sit and have a drink. I smirked. Even though she doesn't love me now. She will later on. Maybe if something happens to make her mine for good.

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