Chapter 3

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Sinbad' s pov

Sigh. It was another beautiful day in Sindria. Last night was Mahrajan and I was being stupid for drinking too much. Well it happened because I had just found out that (y/n) was going to be crowned queen of Artinia. I guess I always thought that she would- " Sinbad!" Said ja'far in a panicked voice coming into my office, trying to catch his breath. " What's wrong Ja'far?" I said getting distracted from my thoughts to why ja'far was panicking. " This giant crash landed in the water near the beach. It could be a sign of war with a country." " well lets not go to far into conclusion. We still don't know what it is. I will go check it out right now. Go get the rest of the generals, just in case something happens. I said as I got out of my seat, and headed to the door.

The generals and I got to the beach as soon as we could. Cause of the crash there were many people around the area. A man turned around seeing me. " Oh king Sinbad, you're here! Said a man releaved, getting the rest of the crowd to notice that I was here. They all moved to the side so that the generals and I could see what happened. " Does anyone know what was that crashed into the water?" Asked Drakon. Looking around many people didn't know. I then felt a tug on my robe. Looking down I saw that it was a little girl holding her doll. " Well hello there young lady." I said crouching down to her size. " what is your name?" I said smiling at her. " it's Ramona." She said a bit shy holding her doll close. " Well Ramona, did you see what was falling from the sky?" She gave a small nod saying, " It looked like a lady. Cause there was a body and then a long flowing dress." " Thank you for telling me Ramona." I said smiling at her. " Where is your mother? You should go back to her." She then gave a light nod and a smile, happy in helping. A couple minutes later her mom found her. " what was it sin?" Asked Ja'far. Before I could answer I ran into the the water and started swimming under, trying to find the person. Thankfully the water was easy to see through. Seconds later I found a body floating down to the bottom of the sea. Taking a deep breath I dove down to get the person. Grabbing the person waist, I bring them back to the surface. Getting to the surface I look to see who this person was. ' (Y/N)!!!!' I thought in my mind. Is that really her? I then notice my mothers ring that I had given her all those years ago. It was definitely her. Swimming to shore I carry her bridal style and lay her on the sand, trying to get her to breathe. ' come on breathe (y/n) ! Breathe!' " Sinbad! We have to get her back to the palace. There is medicine that I could give her to heal." Said Yamraiha. " Ok" I said djinn equipping into Vocalor to get there faster.

Getting to the palace, I lay her on one of the medical beds. Minutes later Yamraiha comes in to give her the medicine. (Y/n) then shoots up and coughs up water and blood. " Y/N!!" Before she could hear me she fainted. " What happened to her? Why is she coughing up blood?" I said panicking." Sinbad calm down. It looks like she used too much magoi. She will be fine . So let her rest. " She then started shoving me out of the room. ' please be alright y/n.'

Y/N pov

The first thing that came to mind was that I wasn't dead. I guess fate did have a purpose for me. The only question I am thinking of now is, ' where am I?' Opening my eyes I try to sit up. " Hiss OW!!!" When finally sitting up I noticed that I was in a bedroom , and that there were many bandages wrapped around my stomach. I guess that is because I was blasted from Tim buck two by that asshole . ' I really need to get back to Artinia.' I thought trying to get out of bed. When I had almost succeeded three kids came into my room. " Miss Y/n! You shouldn't be out of bed! You can make your injuries worse.!" Said a boy with blue hair and a turban. " I must go back to my country! My people 's lives are at stake!" " Right now you really need to rest lady y/n." Said a boy with blonde hair. Sigh " ok" I said giving in, getting back to my bed with the help from a girl with pink hair and eyes. ' she must be a fanalis. " since you guys already know my name, what is yours ?" " I am Aladdin" said the blue hair boy. " This is Alibaba ( pointing to the blonde hair boy) and that is Morgiana. ( pointing to the pink hair girl)" " Morgiana you must be a fanalis. My cousin Kala is half fanalis, and there are a few other full born fanalis that are generals or just citizens back in my country ." " Really?!" Said morgiana happy to know that there were even more fanalis out there.

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