Oh Shit...

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Okay. So. Shit. Yurio was, to say the least, pissed. And a bit scared.
Yep. The almighty Russian Punk, scared.
But he had a right to be.

He was in heat, and if any alphas caught his scent, it could be "bye virginity" and "hi rape" in a heartbeat.

So, naturally, as Yurio's ever growing scent wafted through the air, Yurio started panicking, and, his concentration long gone, he did a Yuuri and fell.

Okay, so he had fallen before, but still.
He was distracted, which wasn't at all like him.

He needed to forget about his little problem and worry more about finishing this shit.

He turned his attention away from the crowd who were murmuring to one another, a few grinning maliciously whilst others sniffed the air curiously.

Right now, they didn't know where the heavenly smell was coming from, but Yurio knew they would soon find out if he didn't finish up soon.

The teenager landed his last jump perfectly, making sure he aced the rest of his routine to make up for his little fall earlier, before showing off his final pose.

By this point the whole crowd was looking at him, but not because of his performance.

His smell had become unnaturally strong, and filled the whole arena.
Yurio skated as fast as his long legs could take him over to the opening/exit of the rink, nearly slipping up several times, before quickly unstrapping his skates and running fast out of the arena.

He ran until his legs outright refused to carry him anymore, his breath coming in quickened pants.

As Yurio finally slowed to catch his breath, he glanced at his surroundings.
Fuck. He was lost.

Oh well, he can't be far from his hotel room - hopefully.

He started walking back in the direction he had come from, but was quickly tugged into an alleyway by a muscled hand.

Since he was wearing his skating costume, the light orange one piece with a zip at the back, his attacker only had to tug the zip down to see neay all of his body.

Yurio wasn't the strong type, but neither was he weak.
He had a slender frame with a very slightly muscled chest to prove his first gender.

But his curves and slimness made him look more like a girl, and his job required he focus on balance and flexibility, not brute strength.

The man climbed on top of Yurio, ignoring his shouts to get off of him, pinning his thin wrists above his head easily with one ginormous hand.
Yurio gasped in pain just before the tingly sensation came back stronger than ever.

As the man started biting his revealed skin, leaving hickeys on his pale flesh, hot flashes disturbed his body, and he fought back sobs of confusement and hopelessness.

Yurio should have known not to come out alone, especially at night, when he was in heat.

Yurio X Otabek; Alpha and OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now