Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I twisted and writhed in my captor's grip on me. I'll have to admit, I was impressed with their strength. They carried me all throughout the house but I was too busy trying to release myself to gain any details of what it looked like.

The person through me into a small, gray room with no windows and only a small bed for furniture. I landed on the hard floor with a thud and heard the person lock the door. I screamed and banged my fists on the door with all I could but it didn't budge... I was trapped.

Giving up, I turned and slid my back down the door, bringing my knees up to my chest. Tears pricked in my eyes; I'm trapped here. That bastard fucking TRAPPED ME HERE! Rage surged all through my body as I got up and kicked the door with all my might. It shook but didn't come off its hinges. So much for a movie moment.

Sighing in defeat, I went over and laid down on the small, creaky bed and stared up at the ceiling. I thought of the boy in my dream last night. It seemed like he had so much... power over me. Just thinking about dreaming made me sleepy and soon my eyes were closing me off into darkness.


I stood on a hill, peering down amusement park?  Rides were spinning and playing happy music, lights of every color lighting up the pitch black night. A smile crossed my face at the thought of being on one of the many rides displayed, especially the roller coaster.

Like a kid, I skipped down the hill. This was just what I needed. I stepped up to the ticket box and no one was inside. Weird. I guess I'll just go on it. I slipped behind the railing and made my way inside. Bright colors and patterns popped out at me, lighting up my face. Everything seemed perfect except... nobody was here. Not a soul.

Interested, I spotted a tall stripped tent and went to go see if anyone was inside; a show might be going on and that's where everyone is. As I walked towards it...something unnerving started to happen. The bright colors started to fade and get dull until they had completely lost it all, becoming a monochrome black and white. The music also started to slow down and distort, becoming a cracked ongoing record of 'Pop Goes The Weasel'.

When I reached the tent I looked inside and almost cried, ran, passed out, and puked all at once. Children of all ages hung down from the rafters, each one had been severely mutilated; some didn't even look like children anymore.

I covered my mouth and backed away from the tent until I hit a body. My eyes widened and I slowly turned around to see the face of a clown. But instead of happy, joyful attire, it was dressed in black in white in an array of stripes, feathers, studs, and other clothes. He stood tall, too tall to be any kind of human being but the real eye-catcher was his face. His skin was white as paper, as his eyes but with thin black rings around them, his nose was pointed with a black and white swirl design, a black mouth with perfect white shining teeth, and to top it off was his messy black rats nest of hair.

"Don't be afraid." The clown chucked darkly. "I just want to have some fun." Saying that was like a joke to him, laughing so hard I thought he would cripple himself. Then suddenly he stopped and looked me in the eye. My legs told me to move, knowing I was about to end up like those kids in the tent, but like my other dream I was glued to the spot I was in when I was about to die.

The clown smiled and lifted something in his hand. It was an axe. He laughed with his head up to the sky and drove the axe into my left side.

I widened my eyes and opened my mouth in a silent scream but no sound came out. My hands groped for the clown but he stepped around me and dug the axe into the backs of my knees, causing me to fall onto the ground. I blacked out before the axe penetrated my back.


My eyes popped open and looked directly into the eyes of the clown from my dream and screamed. I tried to kick and punch him but as soon as I made contact he evaporated, leaving a black mistake behind.

I wasted no time in getting up and I ran to the door. My fists banged as hard as I could make them I was shouting at someone to let me out, that's a monster was in my room. Sooner than expected, a boy with blonde hair and blacked out eyes opened the door.

Realizing it was the boy from my other dream, I screamed and fell into hysterics and dropped to the floor.

"Hey, hey, hey! It's okay, hey. I'm not going to hurt you." Blondie said, kneeling beside me.

I looked up at him and saw a figure standing behind him. It was Slenderman. I ignored the boy and looked at him. "You bastard! Who the fuck do you think you are?!" I struggled to get up but the boy had gone from helping me to pinning me down.

"Benjamin, let her up." Slenderman's voice echoed out.

The boy looked at me with his blacked out eyes and stood, giving me room to get up. I looked over at Slenderman. "What the fuck is going on?  I want some answers now. This blonde haired freak and that clown son of a bitch have both tormented in my sleep! Why?! What the hell did I do to deserve this?!"

One of his tentacles came rushing from his back and wrapped around my waist, pulling me up so I was face to face with him. "You listen to me and you listen good. If it wasn't for me you'd be DEAD! Be thankful.  Now, calm your little hot ass down relax. Nothing it going to happen to you." He set me down gentle afterwards and rubbed his temple with the tentacle.

"Fine... just tell me what is going on in this house. It is not normal." I sighed, shaking slightly.

"BEN, go back downstairs and you tell Laughing Jack to come see me later." Slenderman said to the blonde boy with an ominous voice. The boy nodded and quickly retreated out the door. Turning to me, Slenderman said: "Now, BEN and Laughing Jack are both entities that enjoy invading people's dreams. The first dream was my command but it was only to scare you a little. Jack has gone way out of hand but there is no stopping Jack. He is a relentless being who you do not want to get mixed up in the wrong way with. Be careful. This place is not a playground, it is not safe."

"Then why bring me here?"

"Because it is also the only way for me to protect you and keep you under my observations." He said.

"Why do you have to protect me? Is someone out to get me?" I sat cross-crossed on the bed now.

"Kacie, there are many, many creatures and beings out in the world that do not like me and would do anything to break me down from my level of power. You hold my interest so others, many much worse that the ones you have come to encounter, will try and get you before I do. So, to insure to all the other entities and beings that you are mine, I must keep you in my possession." Slenderman paced back and forth through the small room, telling me this.

"What about the others that live here? Are they under your possession from other beings?" I asked, confused.

"No. I built this home buy myself to provide a shelter for me and my proxy, but over the years, it has become home to lost astray killers and spirits. They can leave anytime they want and I don't mind a lot of them staying with me. Well, except for Jeff. He stays here just to annoy me." He shook his head and looked at me. "Now do you see? I am the good guy here...join me."

I sat dumbfounded. "I... I need time to think, Slendy. Can you understand that? This is a huge decision to me." My head hung low and a tear escaped my eye. Stop, you aren't a baby. I quickly wiped the tear away.

Slenderman sighed and waved his hand. "Very well, but you must meet the others soon." He said before slipping out the door and left it unlocked.

Angel With The Scabbed Wings(Creepypasta Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora