Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

I ran back towards my house as fast as my skinny legs would take me. Trees hit me in various places as I raced through, thorns and branches snagging at my clothes. It must have ran a while before I realized that my house hadn't come into view yet. Was I going in the wrong direction? No, that can't be right. I ran back the way I came.

Stopping, I looked around at my surroundings. Nothing I saw was familiar. Duh, Kacie. You aren't used to this place yet, nothing is familiar. I mentally slapped myself. I should have listened to my mother for once in my life and I wouldn't be lost right now.

Sighing, I started to walk; slow and steady wins the race. Maybe I should call mom or dad...yeah, that seems like the best option.

I looked for my cellphone and remembered mom took it."You have got to be kidding me." I wanna go back to the city. Groaning, I started walking again until I came across another note stuck to a tree. This time written on it was: Can't Run

Okay, by this point I was severely freaked out. Was someone watching me? I frantically looked around me and still saw no one, but that feeling of someone near me has never left. Have I gotten myself into something I can't get out of? I just wanna go home. Is that too much to ask?!

My feet trudged along the beaten path I was leading for myself, having no clue as to where I was going. I am officially lost...

Rustling over in a bush nearby made me jump. Interested, I moved to see what it was. To my surprise, there was a dog laying on the ground. It looked like it was trying to go to sleep. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that this dog was not an ordinary dog. This dog looked like a Husky but much bigger and it's fur was black and... red?....was that blood??  Yes, it was. This dog was covered in blood! I slowly started to back away from the bush and -Snap- I stepped on a twig. Fantastic.

The dog turned its head at my and I almost fainted at what I saw. The dog was... smiling at me. And the teeth... the teeth were like a humans teeth. The creature growled at me before leaping over the bush, straight at me.

I screamed and ran as fast as I could through the thick trees, careful not to trip on anything. The dog chased me, right on my tail until it got a second of momentum and pounded onto me, sensing me into the dirt. I felt the dog's hot breath on my neck as it pinned me to the ground before it... licked me? It was licking me!

Confused, I struggled to turn over but eventually succeeded, the dog not stopping it's frantic licking. I raised my hands and pushed it's head away to I could get a good look at the thing. It was still smiling, only now it's large red and black tail swung freely behind its head. My hands were damp from pushing on it, blood oozing from its matted coat.

Something shiny flashed around its neck, catching my attention. I moved back its fur and revealed a chain collar with a small tag on it that read: SMILE

"Smile?" I read aloud and got a lick in return. I smiled. "So your name is Smile. That's cute. Now, please get off of me."

He back away immediately as if he understood every word I said. "Good Smile. Can you understand me?" I said and to my surprise, he nodded. "Well, in that case, do you have any idea how to get back to my house?" I asked. He looked at me and then lowered his head, I guess as if to say no.

Sighing, I bent down and ran my hand over his fur. "You're a good boy, Smile." How was I not freaked out by this?

He started to wag his tail again and licked my nose. A noise to the left of us made his ears perk up and a man fell through the bushes. He fell on his face with his hands stretched outwards, as if to grab something. The was wearing a red-stained hoodie and black pants... who was this?

Smile seemed to know because he ran towards him as soon as he came into view. The man lifted his head and through his mess of black hair I saw pale skin and eyes wide and bulging, with black rings around them. The way he looked at me with those eyes sent chills down my body. Slowly, he stood up, petting the dog as he did. The guy was tall, maybe a foot taller than I was(My short ass is 5'2). His height intimidated me as I stepped back a bit.

Moving the hair out of his face I saw... his mouth. His lips were red and two, long, gruesome scars ran over his cheeks, forming an everlasting smile. The look on my own face must have amused him because deep cackles came from him.

"Ha...hahaha... You're cute... I think I'll take my time with you."

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