Post #13

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Nari's POV:
"Thank you Sehun" I said and he smile

"No, I wanna thank you by the way I had fun even though Sunhi is not here thanks to you" Sehun said and I nodded

'Thank you of reminding of her' I thought

"Okay then I have to go" I nodded and was about to close but a hand stop it from closing

"Um..Nari?" I look back at Sehun who was rubbing his nape

"What is it Sehun?" I asked and he look down

"Can I...Can I stay here for tonight?" He asked and my eyes

"I mean if you agree but it's okay if you don't. It's just that the apartment seems lonely without Sunhi" Of course it would be Sehun

I still didn't reply, Sehun sighed and smile

"No no it's okay if you don't want to I have to go now bye" He said a little dissapointed

I was going to close the door when I started to have second thoughts

"Should I let him stay?" I asked myself and shake my head

"Then there will be rumors and stuff" I answered myself and ruffled my hair

"Fuck it" I curse and run towards Sehun who is now entering the elevator, I run as fast as I can to stop him

I'm close but the elevator door started closing

"Sehun!" I said and he look at me

"Nari?" He asked and stop the door from closing

"Okay you can stay in my apartment" I said and he shake his head

"No no it's okay I'll be fine on my own" I shake my head and pull him out of the elevator

"It's feels kinda alone in my apartment you know" I said while looking down 

"If you're fine with it then I'll stay~" He cheers and I chuckled

"Okay then let's head back" I said and he nodded

Eun Ah's POV:
"Holy...." I was shock at the sight, I smirk and grab my phone

"Time to get my revenge on Nari~" I silently cheered 


eu.ah: YAH KASPER!!

kasper0524: WUT?

eu.ah: Look what I've found~~

kasper0524: Some manners to your elders?

eu.ah: No silly look I was going to Nari's apartment because we were suppose to go to the gym but guess what?

kasper0524: What?

eu.ah: GUESSS!!

kasper0524: You found manners?

eu.ah: Still no but something more interesting~~

kasper0524: TELL ME NOW~


kasper0524: WTF? WHO IS THAT?!

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kasper0524: WTF? WHO IS THAT?!

eu.ah: It's Nari guess who is she with...

kasper0524: No way...

eu.ah: Yes way...

kasper0524: ......I'm going there

eu.ah: DON'T. look I think Nari really likes Sehun did you even read all of her caption after the announcement that Sehun is dating? Or you just heart because she's your sister?

kasper0524: Of course I read them, I know but what if something happens to Nari because of Sehun's fans, what if she gets hurt or something?

eu.ah: Then Sehun will protect her

kasper0524: But Sehun will not be always there for her and after all he has a girlfriend

eu.ah: Yeah...he even went when Nari got drunk and help her to her apartment

kasper0524: WHAT?! NARI GOT DRUNK?!

eu.ah: Opps...I'll explain later but I think Sehun likes Nari..

kasper0524: Impossible! Then why is he with that model then?

eu.ah: Maybe the company force them or something, or maybe she's a psychopath or stalker who loves Sehun that much she pretended to be a model or something you classic cliche movie plots

kasper0524: I don't know but there's is something weird about Sehun's girlfriend...

eu.ah: The fact that she's a mean

kasper0524: You know what I'm thinking?

eu.ah: Hell yeah let's investigate!!!

kasper0524: Not that!! The fact that we need to think of a ship name for them!! 

eu.ah: Ohh sorry hm.. let's me think.. NaHun? SeRi? 

kasper0524: I like NaHun!!

eu.ah: But still we need to investigate about his girlfriend

kasper0524: Alright but Nari is not going to know about this alright?

eu.ah: Of course and oh yeah don't tell Nari that I told you about her getting drunk

kasper0524: Deal

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