"It is." She said and I bit my lip and stood up. "Ok, well I want to go with you. But I can't because I have two interviews in the morning and then my show in the evening, but we can FaceTime so I can still be there. You're still my best friend Sel and I want to take care of you." I said and she laughed nervously while crying.

"God I can't even be mad at you for breaking up with me. Why are you so damn sweet Jay." She said and I turned on the FaceTime. As she answered I smiled big.
"I'm so sorry Selena I never wanted to hurt you, it's just I've fallen in love with someone else and I really love him." I said without thinking I said him.
"Him?" Sel asked me and I froze biting my lip, should I tell her?
"Justin?" She asked and I kept thing whether or not to tell her.
After a minute I decided she deserves to know.
"It's Jessie." I whispered and blushed.
"J-Jessie? Y-Your background dancer Jessie?!" She asked surprised and I nodded slowly. "Yeah, I found out I'm bisexual Sel." I said and she smiled.
"I guess we have one more thing in-common then. I'm bi as well Jay, so I understand you, I do. I'll call you tomorrow when I'm heading to the doctors but just one more question and answer me honestly." She said and I nodded "I will." I said and she took a deep breath.
"How did You find out you were bisexual Justin?" She asked and I swallowed hard.
"Don't lie to me, I know when you are lying." She said and I swallowed hard again.
"We slept together, but before you start yelling and cursing at me please let me explain. We were just rehearsing one night and he started to fool around making me laugh, dancing like one of the girls and we fell on top of each other laughing our asses off. But when our eyes met I got this weird feeling spreading through my body, and to be honest I don't know whom of us that kissed the other one first. It just happened. When I realized what I was doing. Kissing a guy, I jumped off of him and ran out. But when I got to my bus I couldn't understand why it happened and why I couldn't get that image out of my head or why I kept thinking about him. The next day I avoided him like the plague and tried not to look in to his eyes, because they made my knees go weak. But it didn't work because scooter ordered us to practice some new moves and we headed in to the rehearsal room. He started showing me the new moves but I couldn't concentrate, all I could think about was him being so close to me. I fell twice and hit my head hard. He got me an ice pack and after awhile we started to practice again, and when I finally had the move down, I got so excited and jumped up hugging him tight and we ended up kissing, and before I knew it he was fucking me hard against the wall. I don't know if it was because I hadn't seen you in three months or because I was actually starting to be attracted to him. That's the truth I swear Sel." I said crying and as I looked at my phone screen Sel was crying too but also smiling.
"I've never seen you talk about me like that, glossy and sparkling eyes. But when you talk about Jessie you're glowing Justin. To be honest with you I don't think your bi Justin. I think you're actually Jessie sexual." She said laughing and I burst out laughing too.

"Damn it Sel don't make me laugh." I said crying ugly while laughing and so did she. I gathered myself and then I spoke up. "So you're not mad at me for cheating on you?" I asked and she shook her head.
"How can I? When you fall in love, you fall in love and it doesn't matter who or whom it is. Love is love." She said smiling sadly. "I love you with all my heart Justin and I need time to get my head around this, so after tomorrow. I won't be in touch with you until I'm completely over you, then after we can be friends again. But I just want to say I'm happy for you. Also I think you should go back to your boyfriend, looks like he's eves dropping." Sel said and I just looked wired at her.

"How do you know-" " because, he is standing smoking behind us." Selena interrupted me smiling, and as I turned around I saw Jessie behind us smoking. "I'm not mad Jessie, you can't help whom you fall in love with. I wish you and Justin the best." Sel said and Jessie started walking over to us. When he was close to us I totally forgot Selena on the phone and only saw my shirtless boyfriend standing in front of me.
"Hi sexy." I smiled and Jessie sat down behind me, wrapping his arms around me and I turned my head to give him a peck on the lips.
"Guys I'm still here." I heard Sel shouting and I blushed as Jessie kissed my neck before saying sorry.
"It's ok Jessie. I can see you love each other a lot, in a couple of weeks I can fangirl over how cute you guys are but right now I can't." She said and Jessie blew out his smoke nodding. "I understand you Selena and once again I'm sorry, we didn't plan for this, it just happened." He said and Selena nodded while crying. "I know." She said and then looked at me "talk to you tomorrow Justin , I really have to go now." She said crying and ended the phone call.

I breathed out and leaned against Jessie as he kept smoking. "So how long have you been eves dropping on us?" I asked after a while as he tightened his hold on me and threw away the cigarette. "Will you be mad at me if I say since you went out here." He said smiling shyly and I just chuckled and turned around straddling his lap. "No." I said and kissed him slowly. It started of slowly but escalated pretty fast. "How the hell are you guys going to keep this a secret when you can't even keep your hands away from each other for 5 minutes." We heard and saw Scooter and my mom saying as they came hand in hand.
Jessie and I turned and looked at each other and he kissed me again smiling. "Yeah I don't know how." He said as I smiled and mom and scooter came and sat with us, when I saw a ring on my moms finger I wasn't surprised. I knew mom and scooter where together, I was against it at first, but now I'm just happy for mom. She deserves all the happiness she can get.
Then it hit me, damn I have to tell them about Selena being pregnant. That won't end well....

Please god help me

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