The owner had given Jungkook a spare key in case he had to leave early like today so Jungkook didn't have to hurry in his cleaning unless he wanted to. He leisurely cleaned the area without changing his costume since he was too lazy to do that. Once he was done, Jungkook turned off the lights and grabbed the trash bag to move out. He sang some random song while he walked, swaying his hips, since no one was there to see him or judge him.

That was until he heard the door opening.

"Who could it be at this hour?"

Jungkook mumbled in annoyance as he turned around from the stall he was picking up his shoes from and walked down the isle towards the door. The lights had been turned off so he couldn't see the person's face who entered. Only the silhouette was visible.

"Shantaaaa! You're shtill here~?"

Jungkook cursed himself for not changing his costume as soon as he realized it was a drunk guy. He placed the junk containing bag aside before approaching the drunk guy. Jungkook barely made it in time to catch him before the intruder tripped on nothing and was about to face plant the floor. Jungkook realized that the guy was not very heavy so he didn't have to put much effort in straightening him up on his feet.


Jungkook was cut off right there as the drunkard slurred out.

"Aren't you going to ask if I wazj a good boy~?"

Jungkook understood that he was talking to Santa, not Jungkook so he played along since it would be a waste of time and energy to make a drunk person accept that the person in Santa's costume isn't actually Santa.

"First tell me what's your name?"

The male giggled like a child and replied.

"Tae Tae."

Jungkook felt like he had heard those words before but ignored it since he had 'millions of kids' today who told him their names so it could have been similar to any of those.

"So Tae Tae, have you been a good boy this year?"

Jungkook didn't hear a response but received a small shake of head which was followed by a nod.

"Is that a yes or a no?"

Jungkook asked as he stopped the guy from falling again and decided it would be better to sit him down first. So, he pulled him along towards the chair he sat on the entire evening and half the night, to sit him down but the drunk male refused to sit. Jungkook tried again but the male refused again as he resisted with as much strength as he could gather, although it would be pretty useless if Jungkook actually tried to use force on him.

"Santa sit on chair. Tae Tae sit on Santa."

Jungkook sighed again and did so to get over with it quickly. He sat himself down and pulled the drunk guy to sit on his thigh like he did with every other kid the whole evening. Before Jungkook could start, he heard the other guy speak.

"Tae Tae fight with Hobi. Hobi is mad at Tae Tae. But Tae Tae not bad. Tae Tae want Hobi back~"

Jungkook could have sworn that he knew those names but he couldn't put a finger on it. He didn't get much chance to think about it since he was soon blessed with the sniffing and sobbing of the drunk guy. Jungkook rolled his eyes as he patted the sobbing male and shushed him.

"If Tae Tae was a good boy then Hobi will come back. Santa will bring him back for Tae Tae."

Jungkook heard a few more sniffs before he felt the guy rubbing his nose on Jungkook's costume. Jungkook scrunched his nose in disgust and thanked his luck that he didn't have to wear it again after this night was over.

"Really? You pwomish?"

Jungkook clenched his teeth to stop himself from throwing the annoying guy on the floor and stepping on him on his way out. Instead he hummed cheerfully to which he heard small giggles from the drunkard and soon it fell silent afterwards. Jungkook waited for him to say something else but when nothing came he shook the guy slightly as he asked.

"Is that all, Tae?"

No response came so he shook him a little strongly this time and felt the body limply flailing around.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

Jungkook harshly whispered to himself as he realized what happened. The guy had slept on him and Jungkook had no choice now than to either take him home along or leave him on the street. He would be glad to drop this guy on the street but he couldn't bring himself to be that inhumane. Sighing again, Jungkook got up and sat the other guy on the chair before he moved to the counter and took his own clothes to change. After changing, he made sure everything was taken care of and once done, he moved towards the sleeping drunkard. Jungkook sighed again for the nth time before throwing him over his shoulder and moving out. He locked the door and started to walk towards his apartment.

Since it was very late, not many people were out to question him taking an unconscious person like a dead body. Jungkook reached his destination soon since it wasn't at much distance from the store he worked at and unlocked the door. He moved in carefully to make sure he doesn't bump the sleeping guy's head anywhere and walked in the kitchen to place his keys and the weight on his shoulders on the table.

Jungkook was tired af so he didn't bother much about anything once he saw his bed after that and only ensured that the door was locked before brushing his teeth and accepting the welcoming warm embrace of his lovely bed. It didn't take long after his back hit the bed that he fell asleep. The drunkard long forgotten on the kitchen table.

Completely off topic... But Look. At. Him... 💘💘😍😍


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