Chapter 3: Interrogation then a Call

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Lukas now had another case on his hands. A mysterious werewolf with unknown motives was present on campus - a werewolf other than him. He had to think who this could be. Are they royals? Or just plain trespassers? The first form of investigation would be to find out the identities of every student on Campus. Their applications to the school, letters to their parents, progress reports, exam papers, everything that could give him a clue, a name, high scorers, excellent to "a little aggressive" progress. And out of every single piece of paper he could find, the only ones that gave indication to a werewolf was... the documents regarding none other than Natasha Luna...

She had achieved high grades in every subject. Unexpectedly higher than any average human being. Her surname "Luna" could be traced back to an older generation of werewolf priests and worshippers of the Moon and she wasn't present at the time of the conflict between Matt and Krys. It was time for a hard-pressed interrogation.

Lukas approached Natasha's door firmly. His hand hovered over the door nob. He still couldn't grapple with the fact that she could possibly be another werewolf. They were good friends for many years. He should have know after so long...

Lukas pulled his hand away, composed himself, and knocked on her door. Natasha opened.

"hey Lukas. It's rare that I see you coming to my room. The only time you do that is when you have something to sulk about"

"hehe... Tash, I'm only over to see if you're ok. I made you do something especially difficult last night, lying to your best friend and all"

"hey, it's like playtime."

Lukas twitched a little at that. Natasha continued,

"And yeah, Krys does hate me now, but when she gets with you, she'll thank me later".

"Yes, well... that's if all goes according to plan"

"well, of course it'll go smoothly! For one thing, I'm the best help you could get in pulling off something like that. And for the most part, you planned it, and we both know that you're quite the cunning man"

"hmhm, yes... though I'd like to think that I was the only one..."

"... what do you mean?"

"ah nothing... apparently, someone had been pranking people the night our plan took place... it wasn't largely detrimental to our work... she was just... appearing outside people's windows in a... freakish sort of way... and she just happened to be outside Matt's that night" "she? So you know who she is?"

"she's a wolf...".

The atmosphere in the room was tightened a little.

"a wolf? Surely you - "

Lukas growled and pounced on to Natasha and pinned her to the ground. He came close to and sniffed through her hair.

"You don't think that I could tell a lie when I see one?! You may be hiding your scent with that perfume... but you still smell like a wolf"

"Lukas - "

"tell me! Why were you there last night? What are your motives? What have you been planning!"

"... to follow you".

A moment passed by and Lukas realized that he could feel Natasha's heartbeat. Lukas looked deep into Natasha's eyes,

"tell me the truth..."

"she doesn't deserve you... she ran and cried for a boy who hardly understands who she is... these humans...".

Lukas slowly rose up to leave. Natasha desperately grabbed onto Lukas' hand.

"Lukas... I... I love you...".

He pulled his hand away and walked to the door. As he turned to close it, his eyes never connected with hers. When he was gone, she sat there and cried silently with her face in her hands. Lukas was now at odds with his feelings... and was thoroughly frustrated...

He punched a wall in a corridoor and his whole arm went through. He pulled it out and he had just punched into the room of a now-shocked teenage couple in bed... halfway through it... anyway, Lukas walked back to his room and questioned his now troubled conscience... or was it his heart?... Little did he know that in the shadows of the school grounds was yet another enemy... an enemy he would never suspect...

Then Lukas got a call. It was from Krystal.

"hey Krys"

"Lukas... I need to speak to you in person... is it ok if we meet in the forest this evening?"

"uh... yeah sure... you haven't been looking too well recently... is everything ok?"

"yeah... I've just been a little down with something recently... hoping an old friend could cheer me up...".

"... sure thing Krys... tonight...".

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