"I didn't hurt her she chose the Earth over me. She chose to send me away." Mon el replies getting mad at Oliver.

Kara then speaks up turning her head to look at him, her voice breaking, "Mon el I didn't choose the Earth over you, you chose it over yourself. I sent you away so that you could live."

Mon el's eyes flashed red before he pushed Oliver away from Kara and got on top of him, starting to get ready to punch him, but found himself unable to.

Kara had grabbed his fist with hers so he couldn't hit Oliver. Instead of stopping he got up off of Oliver and grabbed Kara, throwing her across the room and through one of the many glass windows in the building, into a room that was currently occupied by agents, glass going everywhere.

Mon el then supersped over and grabbed her by her neck when he saw her struggling to get up off of her knees. All the agents getting out of the immediate area to avoid getting injured if Mon el decided to throw her again.

Kara gasped for air as Mon el tightened his grip on her neck, lifting her off the ground so that her red boots grazed the floor.

"Mon el what are you doing?" Kara choked out.

"Something that I wish I had done a long time ago," he says as he hoists her up even higher and slams her onto the ground, creating cracks on the floor.

Kara groaned in pain as she was lifted up again, but this time she didn't get slammed back down onto the ground. No this time she was flung across the room, hitting the far wall with a deafening crack as the world started to swim.

Soon almost every agent had their guns drawn and aimed at him, but that didn't stop him from walking over and picking her up by the neck again.

Kara gripped his wrists with her hands, but was severely weakened and couldn't pry his hands from off her neck.

Mon el's eyes flashed again and he began to squeeze even tighter on her neck making it impossible to get any air in or out.

From Kara's point of view the world seemed to be fading, all the shapes and colors morphing into blackness as Mon el continued to choke her.

Oliver had gone to get his bow and quiver, getting back just in time to see Kara fall limp, her head lolling forwards, eyes drooping closed, Mon el continuing to choke her.

Mon el continued to choke Kara even after she had fallen unconscious.

All the agents were to afraid to do anything, frozen from fear of seeing what he was doing to Kara right now.

Oliver, knowing that Mon el was not going to stop until Kara was dead drew back an arrow and aimed it at the other man's back.

Oliver released the arrow and it smacked into Mon el, just above the waist and he dropped Kara as he felt electricity start to snake across his body, leaving him immobilized

Soon after the electricity had died down some agents went over and put power dampening cuffs on Mon el and dragged him away to one of the cells, while others started to clean up the mess of glass and concrete left over from the fight between the two.

Oliver sprinted over to Kara and lightly shook her, trying to get her to wake up.

Soon her eyelids fluttered and Oliver soothes, "come on Kara open your eyes," all the while caressing her cheek with his thumb.

She then opened her eyes and saw Oliver leaning over her, looking down into her eyes as he caressed her cheek.

As soon as Oliver saw Kara open her eyes he let out a sigh of relief and asked, "Kara are you okay?"

Kara groaned and tried to reply, but all that came out was a cough as a result of being choked.

"Hey it's okay, you don't need to answer," Oliver tells her.

Kara soon passes out again and Oliver picked her up and brought her to the medical center of the DEO, laying her down on one of the beds.

Soon Alex ran into the room, powering up the sun lamps after seeing Kara.

"What happened?" Alex asked Oliver after she was finished setting the lamps up.

"That Mon el dude came over to us and started talking rudely to both of us, Kara especially then just attacked me. Kara tried to stop him, but he threw her across the room like she was a rag doll and started to choke her before slamming her onto the ground. He threw her against another wall and started choking her again, so I knocked him out with a trick arrow." Oliver explained.

Alex Just sat there processing the information before finally replying, "thank you," and left the room.

Oliver sat down on a chair near the bed, grabbing Kara's hand, watching the gentle rise and fall of her chest as the constant beep of a heart monitor filled the room.

Kara slightly stirred, Oliver attributing it to her dreaming. He was right when he saw her relax again.
She had protected him and was now paying for his carelessness. He was the one J'onn had asked to watch her, protect her, and he had failed.

That's what made him feel the worst about it, but he couldn't really blame himself for it. He had been caught off guard by a superpowered alien, and in the long run he was the one who had stopped him from killing her, so it was kind of a win/lose situation, one that cost him dearly though.

Okay so just after a few chapters I've really been noticing my writing style has changed and I don't know if you guys have noticed that too, but anyways if you have are you fine with the change because I know I am, but just let me know if you are or aren't. Word count:1603

I'm Sorry For Everything (SuperArrow fan story) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now