I made my way down the hall to his next classroom, but he wasn't there yet, so I waited for him. Even after the bell rang I waited, he still didn't show up. I ran a hand through my hair, and began heading down the halls to the parking lot. He probably was going to go home.

He lived about on the other side of the town, no way would he make it to his house faster than I could, so I would try my chances with finding him walking. Once I got to my car, without any teachers noticing me, I started it and pulled out of the student parking lots. I figured I would go towards his house first and if he wasn't walking that way that I would have to check in town.

I clenched onto the wheel as I drove, my anger that I felt inside for the jock group I hung out with, turning a meaningless dare into something more than it was. Hayden was easily hurt, I knew that, and I was determined to fix him, mend his broken heart; makes me selfish in a way, but I cared about him from these last couple months than I have ever loved anyone in my whole entire life. Hayden was different, and he made me feel complete.

With one hand on the wheel now, and the other in my mouth as I chewed on my knuckles, I glanced around for any signs of Hayden. I couldn't find him, he shouldn't be this far down the road anyways, unless he ran. I decided to check the alley's between mobile homes to see if he was taking a road off from the main street because he figured I would try to follow him.

There was no luck finding him here, so I turned around and headed into town. I glanced into the window shops, maybe seeing if he was in there. I sighed and pulled over to the side and pressed my forehead on the steering wheel, breathing in and out slowly. I was never going to find him out in town, there are way too many places to hide from someone you didn't want to talk to.

I lifted my head off the wheel and glanced around and that's when I spotted him. He was running across the street, his face flushed from crying, to a candy shop. My heart was beating a mile a minute; I thought I would have not been able to find him.

I got out of my car and, locking it, and running across the street to the side he was on. My gaze was locked on him until he disappeared into the candy store. How was I going to approach him? He would be upset at me and I didn't want to make a scene in front of strangers about this. I decided to sit down on a bench and take a breather and think of what I was going to do.

After thirty minutes he came out of the candy shop with some candy and was munching on it. He looked sad, very sad, and it was all my fault. No, actually it was the school's fault for spreading senseless gossip. He was heading down the sidewalk towards me, not noticing me sitting here on the bench.

As he neared he looked up and scanned the area, his gaze fell on my car, he stiffened and looked around for me and he found me sitting on the bench. I gave him a grim smile and he just stood there with candy in his hand. I didn't make the effort to move or he would run off, but it soon paid off because he walked over to me and plopped down beside me.

We stayed quiet for a long time before I spoke up, "Hayden look-"

"-I don't want to hear it," He covered my mouth his hand and went back to eating his candy, "I knew someone like you was to perfect to be true. People like you always hurt people like me in the end, I don't know why I was kidding myself."

I sat beside him, my mouth agape. Did he just say "people like me"? I wasn't a certain type of person, I was Adam, I'm my own species. I sat there, my hands clenching into fists and he noticed it. He scooted a little down the bench away from me.

"Don't apologize," He told me, "I don't want to deal with this anymore. All I do is get hurt by guys over and over again because I am naïve, silly, foolish-a hopeless romantic. Most guys just want sex, they're all sexual predators, waiting for their next victim."

"You're speaking as if you aren't a guy yourself," I whispered softly and he turned to me. I sat back against the bench, my black hair brushing against my face as the warm California breeze blew. The sun was beating down on us, warming my cold skin from slowly dying inside. I wore Cali friendly clothes; a white tee, and tan kakis.

He stared at me for a moment before tearing his gaze away from me, and looking at the cars that passed by, then he let out a long, distraught sigh. "You're just like everyone before you, Adam."

"No, I'm not," I stood up and looked down at Hayden, "If you would let me talk about what actually had happened you would know the truth. Not the overly dramatized version the school goes off of and feeds to the peers." I narrowed my eyes at Hayden who opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. "It was a dare. They dared me to kiss Heath on the cheek, not the lips. It was just a meaningless game, with a meaningless dare. I care about you, only you, but you can't see that and apparently never will after I practically chase after you."

He opened his mouth again, but this time he had nothing to say; he closed his mouth and looked down at his feet, as I noticed as being embarrassed or nervous habit. People around us began to stare at two guys arguing about their trouble love life. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, then just turned around on my heels and walked back to my car.

I heard my name be called behind me, but I kept walking and once to my car, unlocking it before I was yanked around. I looked down at Hayden who looked scared, as if he was scared of loosing something very close to him. I set my jaw and put on an expression that was questioning his actions.

"I believe you," he muttered.


"I believe you." He said more confident, and looked at me confirming it. I closed my eyes and nodded, I was on the edge of tears like I have never been before with anyone else. He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head in my chest. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I said soothingly into his hair as I wrapped my arms around him and breathed in his scent that I had been missing. "Just please, never assume something before speaking to me about it, okay?"

He nodded softly and made a little whimpering noise into my chest. I glanced around us and more people were watching, even though they tried turning away before I saw them. I sighed and pulled Hayden off from me and looked into his tear filled eyes.

"Let's go," I mumbled softly and looked at me car and back to him. He nodded again and walked over to the passenger seat of the car, and I got into the driver's side.


It was quiet in the car between us as I drove off to his house. Sometime during the trip I grabbed his hand, intertwining my fingers with his and he happily obliged. The silence wasn't awkward, but a peaceful silence; we had nothing to say to each other and that was completely fine.

I took my time to get to his house, but it was still quicker than I wanted. I parked in his driveway and we both just sat there in silence. I looked over at him and he looked at me. I wanted to tell him that I loved him more than anything in the whole entire world, but I just couldn't because I didn't want to be rushing into this relationship, it might just push him away.

"So that date is still on for this Saturday?" I asked softly, my heart pounding anxiously for his answer. He smiled blushed and smiled then nodded. "Good because I was going to make you go if you wanted to or not." We both laughed softly and just looked over his features.

That soft looked brown hair, bright blue eyes, and smooth skin; he was perfect in my book. I reached over and stroked his cheek softly and he blushed more. I withdrew and signaled for him to go and he did just that.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He said, leaning over to me and kissed me softly on the cheek before exiting the car. What was I going to do with this boy?

x ~ x ~ x

Here you go :D Many of you wanting me to upload the next chapter, which makes me so happy because I actually have people reading my stories ^^ I want to thank everyone who is supporting me in my stories and I hope you continue reading them because I would be sad if you didn't D: Anyways, I'll get to work on the next chapter on this or my other story "Safety in Ink." Which you totally should go check out if you haven't already :D!! Enough of my rambling! BYE!

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