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Saturday was boring.

Like... really boring.

After the excitement of Friday's play and hanging out with Cris, the day off seemed wrong. Her grandparents were in Santa Monica visiting her older brother who was in college which left her with the house for the next week. And while she wasn't complaining, she'd have liked to enjoy the time with her best friend. She did have work in a few hours though which she took as an opportunity to read her favorite Stephen King book-- Mr. Mercedes.

It was two hours later - 4:37 pm- when she awoke on the living room couch. The book was bent awkwardly under her side and she had drool dried on her cheek but she wasn't worried about that, she was worried about the fact that her shift had started 30 minutes ago.

Well... shit.

Audrey Jones was truly a very unorganized person. Lateness was normal and her hair was almost always a tangled birds nest; her books were often scattered and full of papers and she casually tripped on her own shoelaces at least once a day. Audrey Jones was a mess and she was thankful for the few that could tolerate her.

Now was no different; she scrambled out of the house with the dried drool still attached to her cheek, imprints from her sleeves on her face, and untied shoes. Struggling to pull her black beanie over the mess of hair and scrubbing her face at the same time, Audrey stumbled down the street in a panic. She looked absolutely insane.

People stared as she ran past. Admittedly she may have fallen on her face a couple of times but it wasn't a big deal- she got to work in less than 10 minutes, a walk that normally took her over 20. Yeah, she had a few more bruises and her hands and knees were scraped, but it was totally worth it.

Until it wasn't... "I already clocked you in," Jennifer mumbled. She grabbed her bag and speed walked out the door.

"Thank you!" Audrey yelled out but the other was already gone. "I coulda walked," she grumbled. Looking in the mirror of the back room was a nightmare. Her face was blotchy red, her beanie was sideways, it was quite the scary sight.

The bell rung though and Audrey couldn't hide in the back room to fix herself so she walked out straightening out her beanie only to come to an awkward stop. Steve Orth, a popular jock of Woodsboro, stood in the doorway taking the small shop in. "Hello?"

"Audrey, right? I've never been here before, wanted to see what kind of stuff you had," a sheepish neck rub.

Audrey nodded slowly, "Alright well, we have records, CDs, and a couple of random knick-knacks. Go ahead and look around. If you want to listen to anything there's a CD player and record player over in that corner."

"Thanks," Steve shuffled through the different aisles and Audrey began organizing CDs on a new shelf.

Getting into the routine of her job, she began softly singing "Dream On" by Aerosmith and bobbing her head to the tune. It'd been stuck in her head for a while now and she decided to satisfy her brain's demand to give that song attention. She didn't realize she'd been singing out loud until the bell rung once more and she noticed that Steve was silently watching her from the stacks beside her. Her face flamed red in embarrassment when Steve clapped slowly with a small smile.

A throat cleared and Audrey remembered that the store's bell had rung. She turned to face the newcomer only to die internally of embarrassment. Stu and Billy stood there... of fucking course it had to be them.

Except... they weren't looking at her, they were staring Steve down with dark eyes. She couldn't fathom why they would give him such a look. Maybe it had to do with him being Casey Becker's new boyfriend?

Steve turned to face her, "Uh I think it's time I get back home. See ya Jones." And then he was pushing through the two boys at the doorway to get out. Once the door closed behind him, Stu and Billy shared a look before turning to the only female.

"Hey guys, what's up? Don't think I've seen you in here before," her back was to them but she could hear them shuffling around the different racks.

"Why was Steve Orth in here?" They ignored her question.

She turned to face them only to jump in fright when she saw how close they actually were to her. "Jesus!" She grasped her chest and gave them an annoyed look, "I don't know, he said he just wanted to see what was around. He's never come in before."

"Watch it, sweetie, don't want to give that pretty face any ugly wrinkles," Stu breathed as he dipped down to her level. He didn't look kind, his bright blue eyes were nearly completely taken over with black. Billy didn't look much better.

Audrey's face contorted to anger when Billy sternly told her, "I don't want you talking to Steve."

"Excuse you?" Audrey sassed. "Who died and made you two kings?"

Stu had moved behind her by this point, his large hands dwarfed her shoulders, making her stumble. Billy tsked angrily, gripping the hair at the back of her neck. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, little Red. You'd do best to listen to us, lest you get yourself hurt."

White was flashing hot across her eyelids, her head was being pulled back to where it rested against Stu's chest, Stu's arms were wrapping themselves tightly across her waist. Billy's hand was still buried in the back of her hair but his other hand was resting softly against her neck. She feared for her safety but she couldn't deny the tremble in her legs and the puffs leaving her lips.

Suddenly all the warmth and hands were gone, the air cooled where their burning touches had been. She stepped back and leaned heavily against the counter, the adrenaline leaving her. She opened her eyelids to see them opening the door.

Before they left they turned towards her. Billy's smile was full of promises while Stu had reverted back to his normal puppy dog attitude. "Don't talk to Steve Orth ever again." And they were gone.

Audrey slid down the counter, feeling as though she had just experienced a robbery. She'd almost prefer for it to have been a robbery. Instead, she was left to cloudy thoughts and an empty store. Her butt hit the floor and she moaned miserably.

Why? What? How? All ran through her mind but she couldn't dare to come up with an answer.

Saturday wasn't so boring after all... maybe she should stay in tomorrow.

But who was she kidding? She got a taste of adrenaline, now she wanted to test how far she could go and what they would do.

Words (1134)

A/N: Sorry for the temporary hiatus. Normal excuses of school and just laziness. Kinda lost where I was going with the story but I've got my motivation back. Thanks for reading!

If Looks Could Kill *Billy Loomis/OC/Stu Macher*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant