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It was with the ending lyric that the theater room lights lit back up and the faces of Woodsboro High School came fully into view.

Audrey and Annie stood before the audience, covered in gooey red dyed chemicals while the rest of the cast came on stage behind them. The crowd had been clapping politely, some enthusiastic, some horrified, and some waiting to finally leave. 

It had been a short demonstration, something of a teaser that pulled kids out of their classes and gave them the opportunity to see what the play may be like. They had them often, mainly for the dance class, but Audrey was happy to have such support from the school when the play was bloody in such a horrific way.

Though, the seedy principal probably only allowed it because he couldn't stop staring at their bodies while they'd been explaining it.

It had been Audrey's first true act as the drama club president, and while the club had been excited, she wasn't sure how the school would take it. But as she looked out at the crowd, all clapping and most smiling in amusement and appreciation, she couldn't help feeling proud of their work so far.

Audrey Jones, a senior now, had been elected drama club president at the end of last year and had planned the bloody play of If Looks Could Kill since she learned it would be her job to create the first play of the year. She'd tried to keep the blood to a minimum but once they'd begun to get into their roles, the blood wouldn't stop coming and the atmosphere flowing.

It took a light push from Annie for her to realize that the crew was leaving the stage to clean up before announcing the date and time of the full play, along with the volunteer help they could use when the night came.

Audrey and Annie, as the two main creators, would be the ones to announce it, so they rushed backstage. They unfortunately wouldn't have time to wash all of the blood off, so they instead washed what they could off of their hands and faces while pulling their sticky hair up into ponytails. And within moments they were running back on stage, both holding their own microphone.

"Hello Woodsboro seniors! You were the last group for today and we would like to thank you for paying attention and not being disruptive. We know you want to leave already so you can chill for the weekend so we will make this as quick and painless as possible (unlike the play)." There were a few chuckles at the joke and Annie smiled in accomplishment.

Audrey took over as host and Annie left to finish cleaning up. "Alright guys, if you want to see this play in full (with a surprise ending and twist) please get your tickets at the bookkeepers. The play is the Friday two weeks from now from five pm to nine pm. We would appreciate it if any of you could come earlier and stay later to help us set up and clean up (and no you will not get paid). Have a good weekend guys! Tickets are only $7 when you get them before the day of the play, on the day they will be $10." 

She gave a quick salute, her golden brown eyes scanning the  crowd, watching as everyone grabbed their things to leave to their last class of the day. She fixed her red ponytail before turning to go back stage.

The crew had already cleaned most of eachother and the backstage up, since it was such a short showing, the hassle was cut in more than half. The only thing left was for Audrey to clean up and for them to find a way to clean the thick blood off of the front stage. Though it looked like her two first kills of the play, Chad and Amber, had already begun to make their move on it.

"Thank you guys for your amazing performance today!" Audrey called to the crew who stopped to look at her, "I appreciate all of your efforts and it looks like the crowd did too! Have a great weekend and please go over your lines at least once."

The lighting and sound manager, and her best friend, came up to her. He nudged her lightly, "I told you so," he jokingly sung.

Audrey gave a laugh, her voice coming out thick like honey, "you mean, I told you so."

"Fine, you were right, the school supported it. But i told you that the students would love it."

Audrey nodded. "Hey, Cris, I'm gonna go get cleaned up now. I still have to get my psychology book from my locker."

Cris looked her blood soaked outfit over before wrinkling his nose and nodding a goodbye at her.

She quickly headed off for the gym showers before changing into her spare clothes for the end of the day. A simple black skirt and white lace long sleeve, paired with a silver chain choker and her plain white vans. She brushed her wet, red hair where it hung in clumped waves that barely brushed her shoulders and her bangs that were growing long enough to almost cover her eyebrows at this point. 

She didn't bother with make up as the bell rung, announcing the end of the school day and people's sixth periods let out. She grabbed her brown backpack before hurrying to her locker, she needed to hurry if she wanted to catch the bus on time. 

Shit, shit, shit! She thought as she struggled to undo the combination. She finally got it unlocked and grabbed her heavy psychology book before shutting the locker and turning to hurry to catch the bus at the other end of the campus.

Just as she turned, a body collided into hers from behind and her petite frame lurched forward with the force. She closed her eyes, expecting the impact of cold plastic-y floors, only to impact something only a little softer than the floors, but definitely a lot warmer.

Her squeezed-shut eyes flashed open to notice a white t-shirt and the feel of arms wrapped around her own.

"You okay?" The owner of the body asked softly. She looked up to meet the dark brown eyes of Mr. Popular, Billy Loomis himself. Her pale, freckled cheeks became a burning red and she nodded before trying to politely step away from him. Only to bump into another hard body behind her. She saw Billy glare at the person behind her and she turned her head to see the other Mr. Popular, Stu Macher. 

He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly and smiled down at her, "Shit, sorry Audrey. Didn't realize how small you were, didn't even see ya." He joked.

Audrey smiled awkwardly, "It's alright Stu, thanks Billy."

Stu grinned widely while Billy gave a small, almost personal smile.

"Sure thing Audrey," he said again in his soft voice.

The last bell of the day rung and Audrey's eyes widened. 

"Shit!" She yelled. When the boys gave her a confused look, she realized she was still awkwardly sandwiched between them, though not as much as when she first ran into them. She backed away quickly before taking off in a run. "I'm gonna miss my bus!" She yelled back to them before they were out of sight and the only thing left on her mind was beating the bus.

Words: (1313)

A/N: Shit guys, I know i promised a longer chapter but I didn't realize how into I'd get lol. Again, I hope you like it, if there's anything wrong please let me know and I'll fix it as soon as possible. I do have the next 3 chapters pre-planned though not pre-drafted so they shouldn't take as long to put up. And thanks HananeClaaGerance for getting on me to update lol. It certainly gave me more motivation with this story. Please leave a vote guys, thank you. 


If Looks Could Kill *Billy Loomis/OC/Stu Macher*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu