chapter three

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r y l a n d

i fucking hated it here. it was dull, dreary, and my whole street was full of boring adults. i has hoped that maybe there would be one kid around my age, seventeen, but there was no such luck.

the last forty-eight hours could quite possibly be deemed as the worst of my whole life so far. i'd moved away from colorado, where my whole life was. my school, my friendships, my relationship, gone with a click of a finger. not only that, but yesterday i had broke up with max, my boyfriend of six months, after he accidentally sent me a nude captioned "don't tell ryland" on snapchat. dick head. i hate being seventeen. it really sucks.

at eleven pm that night i walked around my room for a few seconds, just in my boxers, trying to find my pyjamas. i gave up after a few minutes, just pulling on a harry styles tour t-shirt and crawling into bed.

sundays were good days, but also bad days. the positive side of it was that you don't have to go to school, or get up early, yet the downside is that the next day you do, which is really depressing. by the time it hits six pm, you get what my sister morgan likes to call the "sunday blues", where you realise that tomorrow you have to start all over again.

we really would be starting over again tomorrow, however. a new school with new people. i'd chosen lakewood high since a horror movie had been filmed there, and not only that but the other options were all focussed on sports, not academia.

i had sworn to myself that instead of mucking around and not doing any work, since it was my first year of sixth form (year 12) i would crack down and focus on my studies. we were lucky enough to have moved in just before school started for everyone else in september, so i wouldn't of missed any work.

i hadn't left the house all day, only leaving my room to use the bathroom or get food and drinks. i'd procrastinated sorting my room out yesterday, so today i'd unpacked the whole thing. the walls were white, as was the furniture, and the pile of the carpet was a soft grey. since my room was quite big, i had a desk, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers for my clothes, a television and a bedside table.

after i'd sifted through my photos of home that i'd brought with me (i elaborately cut max out of every single one) and tucked them away in one of my draws, i got out my polaroid album and stuck all the ones of morgan and i, or of animals i'd seen, on the wall. i didn't keep any of my old friends out because i didn't want a reminder of the beautiful people i'd left behind.

it was probably midnight by the time i fell asleep, which i regretted at the harsh awakening of my alarm at 7:30. i stumbled into the shower and let the hot water wash the tiredness away, dipping my head back to ensure my hair wouldn't get wet. after quickly brushing my teeth, washing my face and doing my hair, i ran back into my room. i was most definitely running a bit late.

i haphazardly pulled on my best, ripped up, black skinny jeans and a loose white t-shirt that had the coca-cola logo emblazoned over the front. tugging on my black pumps and swinging my bag over my shoulder, i ran downstairs, taking two steps at a time.

morgan was sat sulkily at the kitchen counter top, tapping away on her phone with a frown on her face as she ate her breakfast.

'this is going to be so shit.' she muttered through a mouthful of lucky charms, making me dodge the milk she sprayed everywhere.

i sighed. 'tell me about it. c'mon, let's go. school starts in-' i checked my watch, my eyes widening, 'ten minutes. come on, let's go!' i panicked, grabbing an apple and tugging her out the door as she whined about the cereal. we yelled goodbye to my mother, who was sat in the lounge. she replied with a 'good luck' and we were off.

after the short walk, we arrived in front of the big, stereotypical iron gates. i took a deep breath and stared up at the huge building.

new life, let's do this.

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