Is she trying to interfere again?

"No... I don't want you doing anything that could make things worse. You do that enough already."

"Well, you never know. It might actually work."

Can't she shut up now?

"Right, because you're completely impartial and wouldn't get ANYTHING out of it."

Buffy doesn't say anything for a second.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, it doesn't matter."

There's a long moment of silence for a while before Buffy finally breaks it.

"You know, I know you said that you didn't want any, but I think you could really use some ice cream right now. I'm gonna go get you some."

Good, that means she can go away and leave me alone for a while, stop trying to make things better.


I feel Buffy get up off my bed and hear footsteps away from me.

"Okay, I'll be right back."

She finally leaves me alone in my room and I feel a little bit better.

Thank god she's gone. I only wish she wasn't coming back. Ice cream isn't going to make me feel any better than the piece of crap I feel like right now. Faith left me. It doesn't matter if it's only temporary, or permanent, she left me. I'd need something a hell of a lot stronger than ice cream to make this sick feeling in my stomach go away. And Buffy would never let me have any of that. Not willingly anyway.

Faith would. But that's because she trusts me. Or at least, she used to. She doesn't anymore. If she trusted me and really loved me, she would've understood why I didn't tell her about the demon and let it go. But she didn't. She doesn't trust me enough to think that I might know what's best. After all this time and being together for over a year... after all the ways I've proven how mature and responsible I am... Faith still thinks of me like some stupid little kid who needs to be protected and lead by the hand through everything. A kid who needs to be taught right from wrong.

Pulling myself up from my bed, I cringe at the ache in my muscles from lying here, crying for the past few hours.

But I'm not some stupid kid anymore. And ice cream isn't what I want to make me feel better. I'm not just gonna sit around and eat something I don't want. I'm gonna go out and get what I really want.

Quietly, I make my way over to the window and start opening it with as little noise as I can make.

It's a good thing I never took off my shoes when I came in here. Buffy might've heard me otherwise.

As soon as the window is open enough, I climb my way out.

I really need a drink.

* * *

I bring the shot glass up to my lips and hold it there for a second as I take a deep breath.

This is good.

Suddenly, I throw my head back and force the shot down my throat when I swallow it. The cold liquid stings my throat on the way down but it makes me feel better.

Ugh, I feel better already.

After taking a second to let the burning sensation in my throat and stomach die down some, I set the shot glass down next to the three other empty shot glasses I drank before.

Just a College Girl (girlxgirl) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now