About the pregnancy, I told Willow not to tell anybody yet, not until the guys fly back home.I, of course, have told my mom, Haymitch, Prim, Peeta's parents and his siblings and the group, who's home.

When I arrive at the daycare, I don't see Willow. "Missis Mellark?" I hear one of the teachers say. I nod at her and she smiles.

"By my information, Willow's uncle came by and took her in her home. He told, that he didn't want you to have so much on your shoulders," she says and I nod. Jake seemed cheery yesterday, bet he and Sofia, his daughter who's very pretty, came by to take her up.

I drive home and I don't see Jake's car there. The baby kicks, as I step out of the car. Lately, the baby does it very often, especially when I stand up or something like that. 

'Whatever', I think to myself and step in. I see my beautiful daughter on my husband's hip and he has my favorite flowers, anemones, in his other hand and he looks and smirks at me when I start silently crying happy tears while smiling.

"I love you, Katniss," he says and I hug him tightly, while Willow jumps off of his hip. I sob on his shoulder and he rubs my back soothingly.

"I love you so much," I say while sobbing and the baby in my stomach kicks a little, but of course Peeta feels it, I mean, we're glued to each other.

"Katniss, what was that?" he asks and I pull away for a second. I search through my purse and finally find it. Yes, I've been carrying the test around for two months, looking at it every day and remembering Peeta this way.

"Close your eyes," I say to him and he closes them. I gently pull his hand forward and put the pregnancy test on it. "Okay, you can open now," I say and he does what I say. He looks down at his palm and his eyes grow wide and his mouth falls open. He looks unsurely at me for explaining and I smile a little at him.

"Peeta, we're gonna have another baby," I say to him and he lifts me up and spins me around while hugging me. When he stops, he smiles at me and kisses me softly, yet passionately.

"I love you, Willow, and the baby so much," he says and smiles at me and I smile back at him.

"How far along are you?" he asks and kisses my stomach. I think about it and then look down and tell him: "Three months." He stands up and looks me in the eye.

"I guess that Paris really is the city of love then," he says, smirking at me and I smile at the floor and remember something.

"I'm gonna message to Annie and Clove, that they would tell Finn and Cato about it since I don't feel like going out," I say and he nods and kisses me once more.

-10 minutes later-

We're watching "House" on our TV when someone opens the door and runs in. Oh well, maybe I can forgive it to my brother.

"You're pregnant again?" he asks while panting. Guess he ran here.

"Yeah," I say and he hugs me tightly. " I'm gonna be an uncle again," he says and the baby just kicks for an answer.

"When am I gonna be an uncle again exactly?" he asks and I do a little math.

"Right now is September, I'm three months along, I'm gonna give birth in March, so Peeta's gonna have a birthday present," I say and he smiles at me.

"What about my birthday?" he asks and I laugh at him.

"Is Willow for a day enough?" I ask and he nods eagerly and I laugh at it.

"Okay, come to pick her up tomorrow," I say and after a few more minutes of chitchatting, he leaves.

"Kat?" Peeta asks, looking at me and I turn my head from Wills to him. "If I'd ask you some serious questions, would you answer them now?" he asks and I nod slowly.

"Have you lied to me recently?" he asks and I look at him very confused.

"Of course not! I wouldn't lie to you!" I say and look him in the eye.

"I just... The last time I was away, we were away for so long because... Because we got taken from the group, I mean, we couldn't connect others," he says and I look at him sadly, but a little bit criticizingly.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I ask him and he ruffles his hand through his ashy blonde hair.

"I couldn't tell you, I'm sorry, I can't tell you the reason still, but it would get you and Willow and the baby in danger," he says and I nod while looking down at the floor. Of course, he can't tell me about it again. I just wish I was more trustable. I am a good secret keeper, but not a good liar.

"Katniss, I heard everything you said. You know, I risk my life there to protect the country but my first priority in there is to keep my wife and my children safe from those terrorists!" he shouts at me and I raise from the couch.

"You have no idea, how hard it is for me, that you won't be home every night, not knowing if you're alive or not!" I shout back on the verge of tears. Damn hormones! "I'm gonna go for a walk," I say and leave the house with nothing but my phone and a jacket.

A few minutes later I get to the park, sit down on a bench with the view of the sea, and look at the sunset. Peeta's favorite color is sunset orange. God, I'm so stupid! Why in the world would I bring up such a dumb fight!

I pick up my phone to call Annie to talk to her about it when I hear a familiar voice. Too familiar.

"Well hello, Catnip!" it says and shivers run through my back. I jump up and turn around to face him and back off with my phone surely in my hand.

"Don't come closer!" I say when he steps a step closer to me and I back off two steps.

"You can't do anything about it. You know, I want to take you somewhere. I won't hurt you if you come here by yourself," he says and I run. I will never go with him, considering what he did with me.

"Peeta!" I shout while running and pick his number while running in a shed when Gale's not watching. I hear his steps come closer and then leave. "Hello?" I hear Peeta's voice.

"Peeta!" I scaredly whisper to him and tell him to be quieter. "I'm in the old shed in the park, please help me, I can't talk much longer!" I say and the shed's door opens.


Cliffhanger! Sorry I haven't updated by my planned way, but yeah, anyways bye and see you soon!

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