Part 3

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Sunjin POV

        I could hear the human shout time and again for someone and each time the voice was getting closer. I had no other choice, so I transformed hoping that they wouldn't be too suspicious.

        You're wondering why I'm so nervous about it???

        Well, humans have become extremely suspicious of people who are caught in the hunter's traps.


        Because they immediately assume they are a gumiho that has transformed and are afraid that once they help them to get free, the gumiho will attack them. As a result, most humans will either ignore the situation or they will attack the trapped person and kill them regardless if they are a fox or not. You can thank my cousins for this as well. That's why most foxes travel in groups of two or more. That way, if one gets caught in a trap, the others can help to get them free. Unfortunately, my brother is home sick and no other foxes come close to this area.

        Here goes nothing.

        "Help! Please Help Me!" I screamed and hoped for the best.

        Two young men appeared before me and carefully examined the situation. I looked up at them and said "Please help me" once more.

        "What happened?" one of them asked as he crouched down.

        "What are you doing, Myung-dae?" the other one screamed. "Are you crazy? She could be a fox in disguise!"

        CRAP! I suddenly became very nervous. I hope they don't kill me.

        The guy who had crouched down started laughing. "What is so funny?" his friend asked.

        "I doubt a fox could read."


        Are you confused??? Well, the humans think that foxes don't know how to read. They think we are just vicious killers who only know how to seduce them.

        "Don't you see the books she is carrying?" Myung-dae asked his friend.

        The other guy looked at me and noticed the pack of books that Myung-dae had pointed out. "That doesn't mean anything! It could just be a trick!"

        "Come on! Just help me!"

        I can't believe that they are arguing like this. I sighed and Myung-dae looked at me and smiled. "Don't worry. We'll get you out of there."

        "Thank you" I blushed. Wait, why am I blushing? Well, he is kind of sweet. And I have to admit he is kind of attractive for a human. NO! Stop! I shouldn't be thinking like this! If he finds out I'm a fox, he's going to kill me!

        I watched as they tinkered with the trap and it sprang open. "Done!" Myung-dae said with a smile while the other one immediately jumped up and quickly backed away a few steps.

        I pulled my arm away from the trap and held it close to me. "Thank you" I said again as I bowed my head.

        My savior helped me to my feet and asked "How did you get your hand caught in there?"

        "I tripped as I was walking to town and it just landed in the trap" I lied. "Thank you again for helping me" I said as I bowed once more. Then I slowly started to back away from them, but was stopped by yet another question.

        "Where are you going?"

        "I'm sorry, but... who..."

        "Right!" he nervously laughed. "We forgot to introduce ourselves! My name is Myung-dae and this is my friend Donghae. And, you are?"

        So his name is Myung-dae. I smiled a little "My name is Sunjin."

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