Vanity Affair

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         As the assembly came to a conclusion Vanity and I waited for the room to empty. Amora left along side her partner Nicolas Wright, I remember feeling nothing but envy and scorn and he placed his hand on her back. My mind began to fixate on questions such as: is he going to try to date her for real? Does she like him? Has she already broken up with her other boyfriend? But then I realized that there are just some problems you don't get the answers to. Refocusing my attention on my own partner, I took the time to comprehensively scrutinze her. She told me she didn't mind being late for whatever class was next, and to be honest I didn't either. So we took our time. We sank low in our seats so we wouldn't easily be seen and stared up at the embroidered ceilings of the auditorium. 

 She had brown skin, long natural black hair that she'd often part into two indian braids and lay over her shoulders. Her eyes where hazel and she was a thin girl, but tall, I would guess around six feet. 

We were quiet for a while and then this awkward feeling started to arise. I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable so I looked at her, but I was speech less.

But in that instance she said "Kai where do you live?"

"In Queens. You?"

"Westchester." At the moment I listened a little harder, a bit saddened.

"Wow! Thats really far." I proclaimed knowing we would really have little to no time after school to get to know each other. 

"But my parents also own a brownstone on the upper east side, so we could hang out there. All we'd have to do is get you to a train station come the end of the day."

As Vanity continued to explain the plan, I realized that her family was wealthy. She was certainly one of those diamonds in the rough, and on the inside I was both thrilled and afraid. Suddenly, I could feel myself becoming really self conscious with an intensity similar to that when I was a freshman. Did she care that she was being forced to hang out with me? Is she stuck up?

"If thats okay with you?" she concluded. Popping the bubble in my head.

"Yea of course." I smiled.

"Give me your hand." I demanded impulsively. Cyrus once told me that the fastest way to get comfortable with someone was to learn to hold there hand and so I dared to try. She stretched out her palm and I held her hand and threw my head back look from here on lets feel free to make mistakes with each other okay. Lets make as many mistakes as possible. 

Her cheeks turned slightly red and it got quiet again. What is this! she chuckled. We both sat there looking off into our separate realities. but she never let go of my hand. 

What are your grades looking like ? I asked spontaneously

good..... yours?

"Good." In that moment we, Vanity and I made an implicit agreement, and before I knew it we where off. Mistake number one cutting class, it was as if we were two bottles of champagne waiting to burst, but never being open, just left to collect dust and age. Two bottles that seemed more likely to never have been opened otherwise. It was still a little too hot to call it winter out side, but once we opened those doors we kept running. We left all our books and bags behind. I had captured that moment and given it meaning, because in that moment of uncertainty I was happy; despite knowing I was doing some thing my parents would crucify me for, if the ever found out. It was as if I had left all my anger, frustrations, and sadness there in that auditorium to chase Vanity, who was chasing something of her own. 

Lite headed we stopped upon setting foot upon the grass of central park. I'd never seen the place so desolate and it was a beautiful day. And there again the world seemed to stop because we were the only two that mattered everyone else was at work or too busy thinking, to feel what we were feeling rite then. Hands on our knees and breathing heavily we hunched over. Sweat dripping down my temple I whipped it with my shirt and then grabbed her hand again. This time, I hold the back of her palm to my chest. We collapsed onto the grass. Me feeling her pulse with every second that passed and her pacing behind the rhythm of my riddling heart. 

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