I'd Rather Not

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She kissed me!

As her hands found themselves clinging to the back off my neck and jaw, her lips wet with tears, met forcefully with mines. As I leaned back in hopes of ending the kiss, she responded by leaning forward. I could feel her breast against my chest and despite being so confused and shocked my body responed the way, any six-teen year old guy's body would respond. (With my body betraying me) I was filled with embarrasment, I could now feel all of me turning red. My mind was racing, should I kiss back, Say no, attack her? Just then she stops and we breath heavily into each others face, wide eyed I looked at her thinking it's late, just as the words attempted to escape my lips, she came in for another kiss "Ahhhh!" I cried out. She'd bitten my lip and now it felt as if it were on fire. "I'm sorry!" she said worrisomly.

"It's okay!" I said shyly, too embarrassed to look at her, I was internally exploding.

That night we sat ackwardly on that bench and just as the tension began to build I remembered what I was so afraid of, her father. It was pushing 7 pm and I had been expected to get her home hours ago." Let's go! Your mom and dad must be worried." I proclaimed."No! I told them we were studying at the library." she said reluctant to let the moment end. I didn't like seeing her that way, because for a moment when I looked at Kelly, I saw my self. She was me confessing to Amora and being turned down. She was me not wanting rejection to come. If I said yes, we would be the ideal story I had painted in my head, we would complete the story I had painted for Amora and I.

She sat up sternly, looked at me and said "Do you like me?"

... I mumbled "Yes."

"Kai look at me when I speak to you." "Do you like me the way I like you?"

"I have something to tell you." I said sencing that this was the oppertune time to tell her about my feelings for Amora.

"No, answer my question!" she shouted looking me strenly in the face with her red wet eyes, while gripping onto my arm.

"I do." I responded.

She cracked a smile and the rest of the tears fell from her eyes. She wrapped her arms around me as if I were completely hers. On the inside all I could say was, I'm sorry.

On the walk to her house she decided to tell me a story in Korean. I held her hand and listened carefully to what she had to say. "There was a Princess who loved a Prince and although they lived really close by he seemed really far away. She wanted to confess how she felt, but the prince was very selfish, so she kept her feelings to herself and did everything he asked of her. The two got closer and closer each day untill a witch turned the prince into a porcelain doll. The princess could no longer get through to the prince or see beyond his exterior. The witch had made the prince cold and lifeless. Unable to reach him the princess put the prince on a pedestal hoping that 1 day he'd come back to life. But there he was noticed by many maids who tried to steal him. Grabbing his arms and legs they tugged him back and forth almost tearing him apart . The princess watched in horror knowing that if he never came back to life he'd shatter and be gone forever."

"What do you think?" she asked looking up at me.

"I don't know Kelly..." I softly smiled "You should be a writer, and your Korean was really clean." I added.

"I hope you realize what I'm trying to tell you." she said softly. I thought little of her story because somethingelse was brewing In my mind. She released my hand as soon as we got in front of her house and ran for the door. Just before opening the door she waved good bye and I silently did the same. Once she was gone, the front I had been putting on crumbled. I headed home.

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