Trying to Sleep

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It's important that you understand that every boy, must become a man and that this was my journey. I was growing up and forever changing, I wanted to be the one she wanted, I wanted to belong only to her.

Just as the rain begins to whip at the pruning skin of our fingertips we approach her aunt's doorstep. She rings the bell, 201, and we wait. We shiver feverishly as we cling to one another waiting for someone to open the door. I silently, well as quietly as I could, watched as the frustration grew on her face. She incessantly rang the bell to provoke a response, but no one came. I bit my lips with a loss of words, "Wait here okay." she demanded, running around the side of the building, beyond the reach of my eyes. In her absence I took time to groan over my leg. I could feel this popping sensation, I knew I needed to go to the hospital, but at the time this, being stuck in the rain with Amora was more important. After two minutes, I had become concerned. Was she coming back? Ummm did she forget me?

"Amora! Am...ora!" I shout nervously. The door in front of me opens

"I'm sorry I had to use the fire escape. My aunt's not home." she explained hastily.

"Oh, Okay." I replied a little more anxious. The apartment is big and very old fashioned. African mask hang on the living room walls and big ornaments decorate corners. Her aunt seemed, just from my observation of the room, to be a the kind of women who liked company. If you know what I mean. "Wow this is really nice!" I exclaimed trying to mind my manners. I hear her sneeze. "Bless you." I followed sharply.

"Thank you." she replied.

" Umm lets change so we don't get too sick." she says calmly. As numerous puddles form around my feet, I blush thinking right here right now. She leads me, limping, down a narrow hallway and unlocks a door hiding next to the kitchen entrance.

We go inside, and it's a bedroom. The bed is blanketed and looks divine, the skyblue paint and awkward bend of the room adds to my feeling of isolation. Thoughts like, no one can find us here,... were alone,... separated from everyone else, pollute my mind.

She helps me sit down on the bed. "I'm sorry I'm already soaking the sheets!" I said slightly taken by nervousness.

"That's okay my aunt has a dryer." she replies pacing around the room in search of something.

I anxiously waited for what was to come, I felt like I was in a Kdrama. "Amora is this your aunt's room?" I cried out looking for attention.

"No. This is the guest room, I usually sleep here when I come to visit." she replied as she played with the thermometer, "80 degrees sounds good right."

"Yea." I smiled. My heart was racing I couldn't help, but nervously watch her; I, trying to read if she could hear it too. Opening the door she looked back and said "I have to call my aunt, so undress I'll see what I can find you to wear,"

"Okay." I said, nodding obediently. Closing the door gently behind her, she grabbed the phone and left the room. I started with my top, I took it off slowly and then tried to fold it too avoid putting Amora through too much trouble. My whole body was shaking and pretty soon the water from my hair and wet clothes had soaked through the blackets onto the mattress. I then proceeded to undress. Sadly, taking off my pants was a lot harder. I unbuckled my belt and with an alertness peered up at the door, what if she walks in on me? I thought. To avoid any further embarrassment I creeped behind the white bedroom curtains. The sky was black and I could swear the rain was at war with the window. I then unbuttoned my pants and then hesitantly pulled down my zipper. I peeped from behind the curtains, I could hear her foot steps, so I stopped and waited. Once her shadow disappear from under the doorway I proceeded. The rain drops on my forehead were replaced by sweat bubbles, paranoia hitting me like hypothermia. It hit me while I was wet, half naked, hiding behind white bedroom curtains, that were almost transparent.

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