"You're just gonna leave me here like this?!" Zayn frowned as I rushed out of the closet and to the dresser to get a pair of socks which I then threw on.

"Zayn, I'm gonna be late," I smiled at him as I put my shoes on. Even if I left now, I would still be ten minutes late because of the distance to the school. I rushed over to him and kissed him on the lips. "I love you. I'm sorry."

Zayn sighed, "I love you too. Have fun studying." I could hear the disappointment and frustration in his voice and I felt really bad. He had done the same to me and it drove me crazy. I would have to pay him back later.

I ran downstairs and packed my bag as quickly as possible. I knew I looked like crap but everyone did during finals week and it's not like I had anyone to impress. I grabbed a banana and ran out the door.

I drove to campus and ate along the way. I would've texted that I was on the way but I wasn't about to text and drive and eat. My heart was still racing from realizing that I was going to be late. I didn't want to be that one kid who was the one nobody wanted to be there because they were late and disruptive. At least I had a bomb study guide that I would use to be of some use to the group.

I parked somewhat close to the library and made my way over. It was freezing out so I walked quickly, which made me even more out of breath. When I got to the study room, the group was sitting around on their phones.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. I must've hit snooze on my alarm," I lied. I wasn't about to explain to them that I had been getting eaten out and lost track of time.

"That's totally fine," Conor smiled at me. He was a sweetheart and also totally in love with another girl in the group, Francesca, but he would never say anything. "We don't want to start anyways." They all laughed as I got settled in and caught my breath.

"I bought muffins for everyone," Sarah smiled and held a box out to me. "Everyone already took one but there's one left for you."

"Ugh, you're an angel; I didn't have time to get anything to eat," I smiled sweetly at her. The last muffin was a blueberry one. It wasn't my favorite but it was still something good. We got started a few minutes later. My phone buzzed loudly and I silenced it as I blushed. It was a message from Zayn probably just wishing me luck studying or asking when I would be home. It could wait.

I put my phone away in my backpack and focused solely on the study group. I needed to do well on this exam and I knew this group was going to help me do well.

* * *

The study group finally ended a few hours later and I was already exhausted. But I pushed myself to study more. Before I began studying though, I went to the bathroom and rinsed my face off with cool water. I was starting to feel gross and I really wish I had time to shower this morning.

I put a piece of gum in my mouth to freshen my breath and pulled my hair into a high ponytail. God, I looked gross. I walked out of the bathroom and sat down at the desk I had chosen. I was in a secluded area of the library that was quiet. I couldn't study where a bunch of people were talking and being loud.

I set up my things to study for the class I had just been studying for. I wanted to get his material down before I moved onto the next subject.

I checked my phone and saw Zayn's message from a few hours ago. I decided to open it and saw that it was a black box with a play button over it. Underneath the message said "put headphones in and enjoy." I reached into my backpack and plugged headphones into my phone before putting the buds in my ear.

I pressed play and watched his face appear on the screen. "You left very turned on this morning, sweetheart." His British accent played in my ears. "And I figured that you would want to see how I dealt with the situation you left me with seeing as I'll be thinking of you the entire time."

He leaned back and his entire bare torso came into view. I let out an audible gasp and looked behind me to make sure nobody was watching. I had the desire to turn it off and get back to studying, but the minute his erect length came onto the screen that desire left and was replaced by my desire for Zayn.

I bit my lip as he readjusted the camera so I could see his body from the side from about mid thigh up. He reached down and slowly started stroking his length. I felt between my legs getting wet already as my eyes stayed glued to the screen.

At first his arm was moving slowly up and down. His muscles looked glorious and I couldn't help but start at his arm as he pumped. He started whimpering softly as his hand moved faster, his wrist twisting as his hand reached the top. His breathing started speeding up as his hips started thrusting softly into his hand. I could see his abs sticking out prominently which, that alone, turned me on considerably.

I could see his mouth was opened slightly and his eyes were closed as he no doubt imagined that I was the one touching him. My heart raced as he continued to stroke himself. He was torturing me on purpose, that asshole.

"Ava," He moaned breathily. I could see his hand squeezing his length in addition to the twisting. I could see that he was starting to sweat. I could hear his hand hit the base of his c.ock over and over again as he stroked himself.

"F.uck," I sighed under my breath, hoping nobody heard me. I felt a throb between my legs and my mouth started watering.

"F.uck, Ava. I wish this was actually you," He moaned as his hand started moving even faster. He was gasping for air now and I could see that he was close to orgasming. "F.uck, baby. I'm about to come." His hips starting thrusting even more and he breathing became more erratic as he moaned loudly.

He threw his head back with his mouth completely open. I could see the veins in his neck protruding as he started to reach his high. I watched as he came on his stomach and caught his breath. He was moaning my name as he coaxed the rest of the come out of his length. He was still thrusting his hips lightly as I let out an audible moan.

Shit, he had really gotten me worked up. I clamped my mouth shut and paused the video to collect my thoughts. My cheeks were insanely hot and I was as horny as I had ever been. I needed him to come here and f.uck me in the bathroom or my car or something. I needed him now.

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