Chapter Twenty One

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"I feel like I'm about to puke," I said to Zayn as we laid in bed the next morning. He had gone to the gym and showered but I stayed in bed and thought. I had showered the night before anyways so I wasn't in need of a shower.

I had been thinking about meeting Zayn's father since after dinner. Zayn and I had enjoyed a nice meal at this different restaurant that was very good and I was able to put the next day's events aside. But as soon as my mind had a minute of silence, I was overthinking.

His father was a very powerful and rich man. He was no doubt going to be intimidating even though he was sick in the hospital.

"You're overthinking it, babe," Zayn smiled as he dried his body off. He pulled on a pair of boxer briefs and walked over to the bed. He bent down and kissed my lips. "You already won my mother's heart and you know you don't have to win my father's so don't worry."

"He's still your father and I want to make a good impression." I sighed.

"To be honest, his impression doesn't mean crap to me. If he hates you, I'll still love you and if he loves you, I'll still love you." He sat down on the bed and caressed my cheek as he spoke.

"Is there a chance he could hate me?"

Zayn nodded with a frown on his face, "He's an odd man, Ava. I don't know why he hates certain people but he does. I'm pretty sure he hates me."

"Zayn, shut up," I laughed and he suddenly kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and felt my body warm.

"There's my smiley Ava," He kissed me again. "Go get dressed, sweetheart. We need to eat breakfast before I starve." I rolled my eyes at him but climbed out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

* * *

The limo pulled up to the hospital and the door opened a second later. I took a deep breath as Zayn took my hand and led me outside. A few people were there taking photos of us as we walked in and Zayn paused momentarily before continuing in.

The AC was blasting when we walked into no doubt the fanciest hospital I have ever been in. It looked more like an expensive hotel than a place where surgery is performed. What hospital has a chandelier? "Woah." I said under my breath as I looked around and I heard Zayn chuckle.

"Zayn!" I heard a woman's voice say and I turned to see a beautiful Arabic woman striding towards him. She had long dark hair and had to have been the prettiest woman in the world. She was wearing a tight green wrap dress that showed off her amazing figure. I couldn't help but feel incredibly jealous as I looked at her.

I found my blood boiling as I watched Zayn look her up and down as she came over. He let go of my hand and hugged this woman tightly. They pulled away for a second only to kiss each other's cheeks and then return to the hug again. I wondered who this woman was and why she was kissing him.

They pulled away again and spoke a few words in Arabic to each other. She seemed to be complimenting his appearance and he did the same to her. They looked like a perfect couple – two beautiful middle Eastern people in expensive clothing talking to each other. I felt cast to the side for this beautiful woman.

She noticed me and smiled and said something to Zayn. He took my hand again, "Ava, this is Alia, my cousin. Alia, this is Ava, my fiancé." The minute I heard that she was his cousin the feelings of jealousy went away. Why the hell had I gotten so jealous all of the sudden? That had never happened before with him.

"So nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you," She said and embraced me. She had a thick accent while she spoke but I still understood her.

"Nice to meet you too," I smiled sweetly when we pulled away.

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