"You know exactly what I mean," I looked back at my menu. Our waiter came over and we ordered our drinks. Zayn got a glass of red wine and I stuck with water. "Mind if I steal a sip when you get your wine?"

"I do mind, Ava. You're underage and serving minors alcohol is illegal." He joked and I kicked him lightly under the table. "No funny business." He winked and I rolled my eyes. "We can get drunk and f.uck another night – after you've finished finals..."

"Promise?" I winked.

"Oh, baby, you know I promise and I don't break my promises," He said softly as our waiter came up. He put our drinks on the table and asked us if we were ready to order. I hadn't really decided but I found something that looked good and ordered it. I had never had gnocchi and it came with a delicious sounding tomato sauce and some vegetables. Zayn got salmon and vegetables.

When my thoughts went back to what Zayn and I had been discussing previous to our waiter interruption, my cheeks heated and I pursed my lips. I heard Zayn chuckle and I looked up to see him taking a sip of wine.

"Are you nervous for your finals?" Zayn asked after he swallowed his wine.

"Not really. I just want to be on break already," I sighed and leaned back in my chair. "I can't wait to spend every day with you, babe." I couldn't even imagine what we were going to do for the full month I had off. We didn't have to do anything special.

"You've worked so hard. You deserve a long break," He smiled. "I bet you can't wait to sleep in."

"I'm gonna be sleeping in every day; I can't wait. Will you sleep in too or do you have to wake up early to work out?"

"If I don't have work or if it's later in the day, I'll sleep in. Maybe we can work out together," He said and took a sip of his wine. He didn't mean it sexually but I couldn't help but smirk. "You know what I mean..." He rolled his eyes once he saw my reaction. "But of course, that too. Lots of that."

"Can't wait," I smiled and took a sip of my water. "How was work today? Anything cool happen?"

"Hm, I had to pull over a few people for speeding and that can be a little intense because you don't know who you are pulling over. I gave out a few warnings and one ticket because the guy was a dick." He shrugged.

"Why was he a dick?"

"He was going 20 over and riding people's asses and was all pissed off because he was in a rush and now he was going to be even later. Yeah, man, it sucks, but it's a law for a reason. He wasn't too happy about the ticket either." Zayn took another sip of his wine as if thinking about the situation stressed him out and he needed a drink to calm down. "And then I had to do some paperwork and then I just drove around and parked in places to watch peoples' speed."

"Sounds like a fun day," I smiled. I couldn't imagine sitting in a car for hours just watching cars go by. To each their own, though.

"Kinda boring, actually. But those days always happen." He shrugged.

I let out a sigh, "I just cannot wait until I'm done with school." I smiled at him. He reached across the table and held my hand. He kissed the back of my hand and then continued holding it.

"I know, baby," He smiled sweetly.

"Have you talked to your mom recently?"

"Um, yesterday." He said after a minute.

"How is she?" His mother had always been sweet to me even though we had only met a couple of times. I wanted to get to know her better and build a strong relationship with her. Maybe she could be like the mother I never really had.

My thoughts flashed back to my parents who were still sitting in jail. I hadn't visited them since the first time I saw them. I had only a little desire to see them but it wasn't strong enough to actually take the initiative to see them. Plus, since we had moved, I was now further away from them.

I also hadn't really thought of them in a few months. During the summer, I was busy enough with packing up Zayn's house and even going back to my house for a day or so to pack stuff up. Zayn had come with me and helped me put things in bags and boxes.

I found that I was numb to all of the pain that had been inflicted on me there. Zayn was incredibly sensitive to what emotions I might have been feeling and was such an amazing fiancé throughout the whole process. He would bring me a bouquet of flowers and cookies that day and would make sure to pamper me throughout the day.

Once I had gone through everything, I reluctantly let Zayn hire a professional to go through all of the things and decide what to donate, trash, sell, and put in storage for when my parents got out of jail. It was actually a great idea and I was grateful that I didn't have to go through everything myself. It would have been a waste of time for me and would have been emotionally draining. The woman had finished going through all of the things and then Zayn and I had a talk about what to do with the house.

We weren't sure if it was our place to sell the house, but since they weren't getting out of prison for years, the house would just sit there and fall apart. We decided in the end that we should put the house on the market, give ¾ of the money to my parents, and give the rest to charity. For the rest of the summer, I was busy decorating the house with Zayn and, of course, having lots of sex.

During the school year, I was focusing on school too much to have my thoughts wandering far from the important things, like Zayn and school.

"She's doing well; she's pretty stressed because of work though," Zayn said and brought me back to reality.

"I'm glad she's doing well," I smiled at him.

"That made you think of your parents, didn't it?" He said softly and squeezed my hand lightly. I bent my head down so I avoided his eyes and nodded.

"How did you know?"

"Your eyes," He smiled sweetly. "Baby." I looked up at him. "We're not about to let your horrible parents ruin our lovely night, now are we?"

"Absolutely not," I smiled and he squeezed my hand reassuringly. He stood up slowly and leaned over. He pressed his lips to mine softly and then squeezed my cheek softly.

"I love you, Ava," He smiled.

"I love you too," I smiled back at him as our food came.

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