13) Kyle and Max

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We got to Chuys after picking up Max, and Justin just barged in the door. Their dogs were everywhere and every single one of them were barking. Carmen quickly sat up from her place on the couch and stood in front of us. Chuy completely acted as if it was normal and continued to play the keyboard, noticeably sneaking glances at me.

Justin held up the CD towards her. "Um so what is it?" She asked with her arms crossed over her body.

"Its top secret okay, hey no one else can see this" Justin pointed at Chuy. Chuy did some weird pointing thing that made me giggle. Wait I dont giggle.

"Alright give it already" Carmen said taking it from him.

"Yo check out these Mexican dogs man thinkin them small dudes can take down one big one" he said pointing at Max.

They both ignored him. "Its probably some military dog training instructions so" I walked over to the couch and sat down beside the pile of chihuahua's.

"Thats top secret? Yo I'm gonna tell them the army feeds our dogs kibble and bits it'd be the end of america" I rolled my eyes and pulled Nani the smallest chihuahua into my lap. She licked my wrist as I petted her.

"You havent watched it yet" Carmen asked us.

"No I mean I guess I should watch it with someone make some kinda tale of it" I rolled my eyes. Carmen could see me but Justin couldnt so I made a little heart with my hands making her roll her eyes, but I could see that blush it was definitely visible.

"Justin theres no big secret to this Max just has to know that you want him" well I want him "and theres no faking it" go Carmen woohoo. I looked over at Chuy and he winked at me. I rolled my eyes and pretended to throw up.

"Or are you one of those guys who uses his dog to pick up girls" ooooo get it. Team Justmen let's go. Okay that was a bad ship name but I tried.

Chuy made some weird freaky sound making us all turn to him. "Thats the sound of a third wheel spealing yo this is my house remember" Carmen turned to him fed up with his crap.

"Oh I'm sorry to interrupt your important activities like hiding in your room and stalking girls on Facebook" Carmen turned and pointed towards me making my jaw drop.

"Woah dude not cool" Justin said noticing it too.

"You two are making me throw up in my mouth I'm gonna be out back" I rolled my eyes as he put his stupid hat on and left outside.

"Lets check it out" I said and Carmen turned to put it in the tv. Max laid down at my feet as she hit play.

"Max sit, sit" I saw my brother and heard his voice and I immediately started tearing up. I think Max noticed and put his head in my lap making Nani run off. "Welcome to training school max" Max looked no older than maybe one or two.

I realized it was a video of when Kyle first started training him or even further back to when he first was assigned to Max. Kyle gave Max a treat "there we go" he rubbed Maxs tummy.

I felt a hand grab mine. I looked to see who the hand belonged to and saw Chuy had come back inside. I smiled at him and turned back to watch my big brother on the screen.

We watched the video as Max got older and more into his training and as it neared the end Kyles face came on the screen.

"Is that your brother" Carmen asked. I nodded and wiped a stray tear that fell from my eye. "If you want we can go out back" Chuy tried to stand up and leave to but I pulled him back down.

"Its okay you can stay" with both said in sync.

"looks like you earned his trust congratulations Wincott Max is your responsibility now" Max and Kyle kept training and I just continued to watch as my brother and his dog grew together.

Man's Best Friend (Max)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ