Chapter Five - { Finally Shelter... }

Start from the beginning

"I'll go look for a source of water okay? I just need to be alone for bit" He said dropping his bag onto the wooden floor. You nodded towards him giving him a gentle smile to which he returned and walked out the door. As you watched him leave you turned to face the window behind the couch and stared out of it.

____Small time skip to early night____

'Please...bring Shiro back to us...' you thought leaning your head back onto the arm of the couch as hot tears began to stream down your face. You choked on your breaths as you cried, you brought a hand up to your mouth to try and silence your cries as more and more tears streamed out. You sat on the couch with your knees pulled up to your chest, arms wrapped around them as you cried quietly. You could hear the wind picking up outside the shack, you lifted your head to look out the window again and saw the sand being lifted off the ground. You began to worry about Keith not being back yet and it was getting really dark. You didn't want him stuck outside as a storm rolled in. You shifted on the couch so your legs dangled off the side, standing up slowly you wiped the tears away from your eyes and walked over to the door gently grabbing the handle and pulling it open. The wind almost blew the door back into your face as you stepped outside.

"KEITH!!!" You yelled out looking around for any sign of him. You checked the ground for footprints but you couldn't see any. Your heart rate picked up.

"KEITH!!! Where'd you go?!" You yelled out again hoping for an answer and when you got one you breathed a sigh of relief.

"DON'T WORRY I'M COMING BACK" he yelled back through the wind. You watched as a shadowed figure came into your view and came towards you. The wind was whipping your hair around like crazy as you stood outside waiting for Keith. Once he reached you, you grabbed his hand pulled him towards the small makeshift home. The door slammed behind you as you both stepped into the shack. You brushed the hair out of your face as you turned to Keith.

"Are you okay?" You asked him voice laced with concern.

"Yeah...yeah..I'm good" He said standing up straight.

"I found us our source of water, turns out there's a huge barrel outback filled with the stuff, I walked a little further out and found a lake. I was super surprised considering it's like a dessert out here, but it does make sense since there's some trees hanging around" He told you quickly walking over to the couch sitting down with his legs stretched out.

"Are you okay?" He was the one to ask this time

"I will be" You said smiling sadly. You sat down next to him and Keith hesitantly wrapped his arm around you. You cuddled closer to his chest feeling cold now. Unknown to you that Keith was blushing slightly.

"I may be 6 years younger than you but I promise I'll take care of you when you need it, and you can always talk to me, you know that" He blurted out

"I know, thank you" You said smiling up at him. He returned the smile and moved slightly to get comfortable on the couch. Once he was, you moved to the other end of the couch, Keith frowned missing your body heat but then stopped himself. 'Ugh stop thinking like that' he thought to himself closing his eyes.

"Going to sleep?" You asked quietly. He hummed a response and you smiled.

"Okay, I'm going to stay up a bit longer" you said getting up off the couch and walking over to your bag. You opened it up and pulled out a blanket. It wasn't much but it would keep him warm.

"I need to look after you too. No scratch that, I have to look after you too, little brother, I can't let anything happen to you because my heart couldn't handle losing another" You whispered into his ear as you gently placed the blanket over him, he only nodded lazily. You laughed softly and sat down again. You looked at the sleeping boy and smiled. 'This is going to be a long search for you Shiro but I swear to god I'll find you' you thought as you moved your gaze out the window.

___Time Skip___

You had no idea what time it was but quite frankly you didn't care. The wind had stopped and you were able to go outside. You were happy about that because after a stressful and emotional day you needed time to relax and think things over. As soon as you stepped outside your feet were engulfed by sand. If felt nice between your toes as you walked to the front of the shack.

As you walked out you found a nice hill to sit at so you plonked down into it. It wasn't as cold as you thought it would have been so it was nice to not have to steal the blanket away from Keith. As you thought about the boy you looked up at the stars and you were met with an incredible view. Each and every star shimmered in the blanket of black surrounding them. Your eyes tinkled as you stared up in wonder. Your thoughts soon went to Shiro again. You remembered all the times where you two would meet up on the roof of the Garrison and just enjoy each others company. His arm wrapped around you shoulder as you snuggled into his side staring up at the stars. You smiled sadly at the thought missing his touch.

'I swear I'll do whatever it takes to find you. I'm not going anywhere until I do.'


Alright! I hope that was okay. If it's confusing or anything I'm sorry, I just wanted a small filler chapter before I started writing along with the story line of Voltron. I'm sorry but not sorry for the time skips I honestly didn't know what to write but I hope what I did write was good 😊 Now I can finally get started! See you guys in the next chapter! Thank you all for reading ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😊

Bye for now my lovely's ❤️

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