We may die from medication, but we sure killed the pain.

Start from the beginning



"Is everything okay between you two?" He shakes his head turning around, my hand still in his.



"Not in the slightest." He leaves it at that and I hear the sound of a engine turning over in Harry's driveway. Gemma waves out of the window, but I look to Harry to see him wave back, but he doesn't acknowledge her. I give her an apologetic half smile, not knowing why Harry is being so rude. I'm walking behind us a little bit, our hands tied between us. I speed up my step so I can lean up to talk to him.



"Why didn't you wave at her?" He doesn't say anything for a while. For a moment I thought he was ignoring me too.



"Like I said...we have things to talk about."




Once we get inside the house he pulls me to his chest in an embrace like we've never shared before. Something is running through his mind and it's killing me not to know what it is. My face is pressed to his chest as I rub my hands up and down his back. "Tell me." My words are muffled against him, but I know he was able to understand because he pulled back with a kiss to my forehead. He takes a seat on the couch, with me between him and the armrest.



"My sister and I have never really gotten along..and I got really bad when that particular boyfriend ya know..Rick?" He paused so I have time to remember the story a few weeks ago about his mothers boyfriend putting the moves on his sister.


"Yeah I remember."


"Well...I didn't exactly tell you that I knew about it. I knew from the start because I saw it happen. I knew he tried to kiss Gemma and when she pushed him away I know he tried to grab her and force her into it. I- I didn't do anything about it though. I was upset with her for something stupid and immature and now I realize how dumb it was to practically let your sister get raped because you're mad at her." He's looking down at his hands scared to look up and see my reaction.


"What about today?"



"What I just told you was why Gemma has hated me. Believe me, I've apologized over and over in the years, but nothing seemed to work until she just showed up here out of no where?...Doesn't make since." He seems to be drifting off into his own thoughts when I place my hand on his.


"What about today, Harry? Why were you crying?"



"I honestly don't know why she came here today, but she came in wanting to know why I had a phone in my hand, and I told her that I didn't know who could be at the door because I thought that you were spending the day at home, and if you came I thought you would at least call first. No offence, I love it that you came.."



"Yeah, yeah. I know Harry just get on with the story I know you're trying to change the subject."



"Okay so when she came in here she started acting like the boss and I was tired of it so I told her that when I was ready to call the cops on the person I thought was dad at the door she got upset and asked why I would call the police on him. I told her that he's molested you and she told me that...." He stops for a moment taking in a large breath before, but I knew what he was going to say. I knew it somehow. "He's done it before. He's done it before and she knew about it. Just like I knew about her. But there was a difference Louis! I did something about it eventually and I apologized! She didn't do anything and she still hasn't done anything."



I put my hands on his shoulders trying to calm him down. He doesn't know that he's shaking, he's talking to fast to notice. "Harry! Harry calm down, I'm not mad at you..!" He looked up at that moment tears streaming down his face.


"S-she knew..and didn't tell anyone..how can someone do that?" I stand pulling Harry with me, leading him up to his own bedroom.


"I'm sorry Harry.." I told him as I laid down. He laid beside me, his arms wrapping around my waist and his head on my chest. This probably isn't the right time to ask him out, but I can't help it. We're so close right now and it would be better if we were officially together.


"You shouldn't be sorry for me Lou.." I bring my hand up to play in his curls as I unwrap the head scarf he has on. I don't know when he got into these but, they are gorgeous on him. On anyone else they would probably look so unfashionable.


"Heh. You called me Lou." I smiled as I brought the scarf up to my nose. I laid it on my face as I deeply inhaled. It may seem weird when he's right there on me, but I couldn't really help it. His hair smells like strawberries and...Harry. "Harry?"


"Hmm?" He asks as he moves his hand to travel up and down my hip bone. Moving my shirt up and down with his finger.


"Will you be my boyfriend?" His finger movement stopped all of sudden and he looked up at me in surprise. His eyes wide, the size of saucers. His mouth agape and his bottom lip moving in and out of his mouth like he is about to say something, but keeps rethinking it.


"I-I uh...yes! Yes I will." He's sitting up pulling me up with him. He flung himself on me sniffling very close to my ear. "You have no idea I've been waiting to do that. but I've just been to fucking scared ugh thank you.."


I laughed and smiled and suddenly everything in that moment was perfect,and for the first time, it stayed that way. We just forgot about everything and lived in that little infinity moment of ours.







Unedited! Sorry if there's an error.



So I was thinking about making a playlist for this, because believe it or not....this is coming to an end soon. Meh. Sorry. So if you haven't noticed all of the chapters (excluding the first like 3 or 4) are the names of the songs that I was listening to when I wrote that particular chapter, and I wanted to know if you wanted to listen to what I did! This chapter in particular because it's just beautiful.



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