Her brown hair had fallen loose from its ties, and surrounded her head gracefully as she lay on her back. Her skin was pale in the fading sunlight, and the way her chocolate brown eyes were so lightly closed made it appear as though she were simply napping. As I began to heal her, it began to feel like my stomach was filling with lead. Shivering, a sudden cold sweeping over my body, I doubled over, coughing fiercely.

Kokoko Sensei was immediately by my side, helping me to my feet.

But I couldn't stand.

No matter how hard I tried, my legs gave out beneath me every time.

Looking concerned, Kokoko Sensei called for Hinata, asking her shyly if she could check on my chakra's flow. Hinata nodded, activating her Byakugan and peering at me with pupil-less eyes. She approached me, laying a hand on my knee. “Her chakra level is dangerously low, and there seems to be a blockage here, in her knee. Don't have her use that jutsu for a while. She may accidentally drain all of her chakra.”

Behind Hinata, Jackie and Nathan appeared, both looking deeply concerned. “Kokoko,” Jackie whispered, gently pushing past Hinata. “I believe Hotaru needs to come with the two of us. Somewhere...private.”

Kokoko Sensei seemed to understand immediately, nodding swiftly and helping me into Nathan's arms, so that he may carry me to wherever the two ANBU planned to take me. In unison, they catapulted into the trees, swiftly hopping from branch to branch, until we reached a small creek not far from the camp. Nathan gently sat me down on the bank, and the chilly soil welcomed my skin with its soft touch. To clear my mind, I began playing with a charming little beetle that stumbled to get around the base of my sandals.

Jackie and Nathan took a seat on a square boulder a few feet away. Surprisingly, it was Nathan that first spoke. His purple eyes met mine, and he calmly brushed a strand of sky-blue hair from his pale, soft face.

“Hotaru, I hate to tell you this now...,” he said quietly, blushing a soft pink, “but your history is the sole reason why Jackie and I were sent on this mission with you. Seeing as you are now already mastering the Vita Morsque, we feel that it's time you know of its origins as well as its side effects.”

It was now Jackie's turn to speak. She leaned closer to me, twirling a dark purple strand of hair around her slim finger, her yellow eyes studying me. “When you were a baby, there was some trouble amongst the Hidden Leaf and the Hidden Sand. You see, as much as it may shock you, you are of the Gomi family. It may be a secret now, but in the deserts, at the time, the Gomi were a feared clan. Especially your father and mother, Taiga and Kairi Gomi. They were the leaders of your clan, and, soon after your birth, fled into darkness, taking the scoll that we're currently searching for, the Scroll of the Dead, with them. Your clan created the scroll. They are the only ones who can control it.

“As the leaders, your parents were burdened with giving birth to two- and only two- heirs, you and your sister Saturn.”

I nodded, my chest like ice, and weighed the news in my head. I had always felt as though I didn't really belong with my parents. They were quiet and plain in appearance, so I often questioned their pasts. But for the most part I'd trusted them, had faith in their reasons. But something about what Jackie said was bothering me.

A Bug's Life (A Shino Aburame Love Story and Naruto Shippuden Fanfiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now