A Bug's Life (A Shino Aburame Love Story and Naruto Shippuden Fanfiction)

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    I'm your every-day Hidden Sand ninja. I'm a chunin, both Fire and Lightning Style, and I try not to be as every-day as I am as hard as I can. Why, you ask? Well, you know all those times when ninjas like Lord Gaara or that famous Naruto Uzumaki guy are fighting, and you stand back to watch? Have you ever noticed all those “every-day” ninjas in the background falling over dead when a piece of dust lands on them? Yeah, I think we all have.

    Even though I have pretty simple jutsus, I tend not to look...plain. I have this out-of-control, super huge, super curly hair. It's dark pink, verging on scarlet, and is really dreadful. Imagine trying to hide a head like that and not have the enemy see it from ten miles away.

    My casual attire consists of a bright red jumper dress, completed by a white undershirt, its poofy, short sleeves bulging out at my sides like I don't know what.

    I have these massive green eyes, and have been cursed with rosacea, causing me to always blush. Quite the looker, aren't I?

    You people are probably wandering why you're reading this, aren't you?

    Maybe I should start with my story already.

    It was the middle of summer, here in the desert, and I have to say, it was one of the most smoldering days I'd ever experienced. Living in the Hidden Sand, you tend to grow used to the dreadful desert climate, those 110 degrees Fahrenheit days feeling like nothing. But today was awful.

    I was drenched in sweat, smelled like a pig, and my hair decided to react to the heat and become about four feet tall. My team and I, Team 12, or Team Kokoko, as we're more commonly known, were dragging our feet across the sand, slowly making our way to Lord Gaara's office. We were supposed to be getting a new mission, and it was killing me.

    “Hotaru!”my friend, Riko, called. “Over this way!” Not realizing that I’d been meandering away from them, I bounced back over in my happy-go-lucky pace.

    Team Kokoko consists of me, Hotaru Fuji, my friend Riko Beppu, my other friend, Sora Koda, and, last but not least, our sensei, Kokoko Wasabi.

    I'll start with Riko, seeing as I'll most likely have to describe all of them to you. She has these sharp, angled eyes, with pretty, long, curling eyelashes, that are a really deep, chocolaty brown. Her entire face is just gorgeous, from those mocha eyes to that cute little nose, right down to her delicately glossed lips. Her hair is just as brown as her eyes, and shines in the light of our persistent sun, tied right on top of her head into a bun, looking like it was spun from coffee-brown spider silk. She always wears a small, blue, tiara-like hair piece just before the bun, holding the fixture in place slightly. Her shirt is sleeveless, turquoise blue, and leads down to a lime green silk mini skirt, which she finishes off with evergreen leggings, her blue Sunagakure headband tied around her right thigh.

    Riko is a sarcastic little lady, if I do say so myself. She has a sort of attitude that makes you love her. In times of darkness, she could make even an ANBU Black Op burst into a fit of laughs, and had a knack for storytelling.

    Sora was a whole different kind of guy. Despite the fact that he was fifteen, he had straight, dark gray, almost blue hair, that was cut in an angle around the length of his shoulders. His narrow, black eyes have a strong, smart look to them. His cheeks adorn face paint, two upside-down acute triangles on each side of his handsome face, that are both a bright orange color. His shirt is the same color, a neon orange, and has a slight kimono-type feel to it. His pants are ankle-length, and a mustardy yellow. His red Hidden Sand ninja headband wrapping around his left arm, he wears the outfit like it were a curse.

    Why doesn't he change then?, you may wonder.

    I hope to someday find out the answer to that question.

    Sora is one of those, “I wish I was alone in my bedroom pondering on the destruction of my enemies,” kind of guys. His wears a scowl like it's a good luck charm, and his voice always has this melancholy tone to it. He dumps around, reading, staring off into space, and just, you know, moping. But, he is my teammate, and I love him for what he's got, downer or not.

     As for Kokoko Sensei, what can I say? She has wavy, lavender hair that she keeps up in this huge, pretty ponytail. She's always blushing, even though she doesn't have the excuse of rosacea like yours truly. Her eyes are nervous, always wide and wary, and hidden behind a pair of huge, round glasses with these horrible, thick rims. She wears this stuffy black turtleneck sweater at all times, and an atrocious pair of khaki pants. She sports her headband, which is a simple black, around her thin, pale neck.

    Sensei tends to be jittery, screaming when a wandering leaf scrapes past her shoulder. Don't get me wrong, though, when this woman's in battle, she'll kick your butt until it falls right off! That's right. Soak that in. She's always reading, and battles right along with being a medical ninja. She does research for the Kazekage, is a scientist, and has written an entire series of novels, which are popular across the globe.

    Moving on.

    We arrived in Lord Gaara's office shortly, bowing as we entered the room. He nodded his scarlet head, his green eyes scanning over us. “You'll be heading off to the Land of Fire,” he moaned, his pained voice making my face glow red. “About halfway through the Land of Rivers, you will meet with two teams, one consisting of three ninja, the other of four, a total of seven ninjas, from the Hidden Leaf Village. Team Kurenai, the three-man team, specializes in tracking, while Team Kakashi, the four-man team, is more of a fighting or combat team. When you group with them, you will head straight into the Land of Fire, and help to retrieve an ancient scroll that will aid the both of our villages.”

    Mother of cheese, he's attractive.

    One by one, the four of us nodded. Lord Gaara continued, calmly placing his Kazekage hat on his head. “Temari and Kankuro will join you in this mission. It will take a while to complete, and there will be several challenges along the way. After all, this is an S-Rank Mission. I hope you do not take it lightly.”

    S. Rank. Freaking. Mission?! S-Rank is the highest type of mission there is! People die on these, lose their lives on these! To think that Lord Gaara would send us on this was...amazing!

   “Temari and Kankuro will meet you at the gates in about ten minutes. I wish you the best of luck.”

    Nodding one last time, we separated in a flash of blurs, all heading off to get our supplies for this mission we had just taken on.

    I reached my small home shortly, pelting past my parents, who were silently eating ramen in the kitchen, and explained everything in a few short breaths, not wasting time. I packed several kunai, a pack of seventy shuriken, and even a few needles. Patting out the crinkles in my red skirt, I looked out my window and toward the sky, not seeing a single cloud in the blue abyss, only the shining of the violent sun and the azure of another day.

    Balancing on the sill of my window, I shouted a good bye to my parents, catapulting away to the gate of the village.

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