"Aww, KC has a clothing line? Since when?" Aspen asked.

"He got it up around the time CiCi was watching you get smacked." India said making them all look away from both of them. 

"I heard your getting charges pressed on for defending me, I can-"

"Mulan already taking care of it."

"Okay." Aspen nodded. "I never wanted you to get in trouble me."

"Don't worry about it." India smiled waving her off making her smile.

"I just feel bad for you taking the charge and for everything I said to you."

"You'll feel worse when you recognize I'm the only bitch who'll ever be "down" enough to take a charge for you." India got up walking out as Aspen smile dropped. 

"That's one thing I gotta agree on." Nay spoke up. "I'm not even willing to mess up my record for my own damn mama."

"Seriously, do you know they don't allow you to have name brand shampoo there? Who's going to do my hair? How am I going to clean my face?" Lay asked thinking about the struggle they go through.

The bell rung making them dump their food in the trash, they all got up while Aspen sat there in her feelings. Ky felt bad, this girl been her best friend for more than ten years but she's never seen her like this, she wished she could help but she was done repeating herself. Aspen wasn't her child.

"Keep ya head up kid." Ky told her making her look back as she walked away.

"Kaiser?" She stood up following after her. "Can we talk?" 

"Yeah." Ky nodded watching as everybody walked passed her.

"I'm sorry."

"I know."

"I never meant to ignore you and I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you but I just don't like how I'm the bad guy for finally being happy."

"Aspen be happy all you want, that was never our problem. Our problem is when you purposely blow us off then act confused as if you not doing it."

"I've just been busy these last few weeks with helping Darius study for his GED that I haven't been thinking about anything else."

"It's your first boyfriend, you're excited I get it but never have I once ignored your calls because I was with Garrett, well unless we were having sex, but that's off topic." She chuckled making Aspen giggle. "Basically what I'm saying-"

"I get what you're saying, I'm basically shut out from y'all because I was too caught up in my own little bubble."

"Basically." Ky shrugged. "We're happy you finally found someone who takes you serious too, don't ever think for a minute because you and Jamie couldn't work we weren't talking to you."

"I knew it wasn't that, I just can't wait until y'all can finally meet Darius." Aspen smiled.

"Is he coming to the wedding?" 

"We had a lil argument so he's going to be petty and say he's not going but he's going to go."

"Seem like you know him well."

"Well we do spend everyday together." She smiled. "I love him."

"Love?" Ky questioned. "You sure?"

"Yes, I know I do because every time I think about the future he's always right by side."

"Well then if you love him, I love him too." Ky smiled genuinely happy. 

"Thank you for saying that."

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