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Now, to explain Rojava is the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria, a group of communes and cantinas in Northern Syria along the border with Turkey to the North, Iran and the last remaining fragments of IS to the West, the Assad Regime to the South, and the Free Syrian Army (jihadist rebels, Islamic extremists) to the Southwest

As some of you might know Rojava was invaded by Turkey a few weeks ago, while the offensive by Turkey and Turkish backed terrorists groups such as Al-Quaeda and Al-Nusra had very limited success (only capturing a few villages over 2 weeks), this past week they have begun loosing ground to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) led by the YPG and YPJ (People's Defense Units and Women's Defense Units)

In the course of defending the civilians under SDF protection they have been successful in destroying at least 6 Turkish Tanks, with Avêsta, a YPJ fighter, martyring herself to destroy one by attacking it with hand grenades and exploding her own body in the process, the YPJ releasing an obituary honoring her struggles for the emancipation of women in life and death (
Additionally according to Afrin Press and the YPG Media Office, SDF forces have captured a Turkish Armored Personnel Carrier as well as many weapons and munitions abandoned in the Turkish retreat.

However atrocious the acts of Turkey have been they pale in comparison to its most recent atrocities, after beginning to lose ground Turkey has begun to use Chemical Weapons against The SDF ( (

And meanwhile the international community continues to ignore both the plight of the Kurds, and the struggle of the SDF and Rojava against Fascism in the middle east, the YPG being the only group to have ever held their ground against ISIS and continually fought them since the beginning of the struggle. President Trump going so far as to cut US support for the SDF after they captured the Islamic State's capitol of Raqqa, abandoning them to fight the FSA and Assad Regime on their own. Some great support of democracy the west is showing

In addition not only have they established a secular democracy in the Middle East, and successfully fought against Deash and other threats, but they do so while maintaining fair treatment for those under their jurisdiction including captured enemies and members of ISIS (

Suffice to say that the dismissal of the SDF as U.S.puppets by Marxist-Lenninists, and the continued ignorance of them by the media (only referring to them as rebels same as the FSA, ignoring the hundreds of foreign Internationalists fighting in the YPG) is despicable.

Now is not the time to be divided, now is the time to stand in solidarity with our Rojavan Comrades, as well as with the women here in the United States that still face inequality and oppression. We must unite to free our world from the shackles of oppression and exploitation and to bring about the Red Dawn of a bright new day for all of humanity

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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