"Della Robia! This is not the time to be fooling around get back here!" Jim yelled, but I'd left allready.

"Hey you!" I shouted at the taranchula's which stood at least twice my height. "Yeah you, big and ugly!" the taranchula's looked at me, head tilted to the side.

"Hey Xana? Haven't you learned not to mess with pretty girls?" I asked, they aimed to fire. Xana's monsters in the real world could hurt us, so I'd have to be carefull not to get hit. I jumped back, dodging the lasers fired at me while Marie hid behind the tree still.

"Take this!" I shouted firing a round of nail. A few nails hit the eye of Xana on their big ugly heads. They exploded, and disappeared. The doors to the gym had been closed to keep the Kankrelots that were now trying to get in.

"Odd what's going on?" she asked, her voice shaking from fear.

"I'll explain later, follow me" I told her, and we ran into the park with one of the karkrelots following close behind. It fired a laser which hit my knee.

"Ow! Stupid Kankrelot" I groaned in pain, but kept running. The man-hole that led to the sewer was just ahead. Another laser was fired and hit the same spot, burning a hole in the back of my jeans at the knee. I fell to the ground this time. The Kankrelot was just about to fire.

"Take this!" Marie said swinging a large tree branch like a baseball bat. She hit the Kankrelot hard enough to destroy it.  "I don't know what those things are, but I know they can't take a hit" she said proudly. From the direction of the school there were four more kankrelots comming.

"Hurry!" I said and we disappeared into the sewers. "Listen those are Xana's, an evil computer virus's monsters" I told her. I explained a bit more as we hurried down the sewers on a skateboard. We reached the factory in a few minutes


"Where's Odd?" Yumi asked.   "He's on the way, ah there he is and-" Jeremy said.

"Odd what's she doing here" Ulrich snapped, his eyes narrowing.

"I know, I know, but she was attacked and there were kankrelots comming after us" I explained. I tossed the empty nail gun to the side; it hit the floor with a dull thud.

"We better hurry to Lyoko" I said. "Make sure we'll be able to do a return to the past" I whispered to Jeremy, low enough so Marie wouldn't hear. In minutes we were on lyoko, to sector five, and zooming through the digital sea to the volcano sector.

"Jeremy we'll need to get more information on this sector, what if we split up. I go with one group and William with another. While I deactivate the tower perhaps William could get some information on the sector" I suggested.

'What? Do you thing William has the same abilitites as you do?" Jeremy asked.

"Well yes since he can deactivate and activate towers" I pointed out.

"So I'm going to some mysterious sector to find info on Xana?" William asked.

"No it's to dangerous" Jeremy said.  "That's why we could split up, there are five of us" I said.

Jeremy sighed, he must be thinking about it. Come on Jeremy just let me handle the tower I thought. I can handle it.

"Fine, Ulrich you go with Aelita; Oddm, Yumi, and William head to the edge of the sector. William I need you to find data on the volcano sector, so I can virtualize you straight there" Jeremy said.

"Yes sir" Wiliam said. I drove the skid out of the digital lava sea and docked it to a tower. William, Odd and Yumi split off from us to the digital sea and to the edge of the sector.

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