Chapter Eight

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"I'm so nervous!" I covered my eyes and threw myself backwards on the bed.

"You've said you're nervous more times than you've said it before court two months ago." Jun mentioned without looking up from his laptop.

"I know!" I sat up "But Lucas came out of the blue and told me he'll take Mira somewhere! Where is he taking her?? And why didn't he want me to come?!"

Jun sighed "Yun, please, stop asking me. I've heard these questions at least four times already."

"Ughh, I'm just so restless. That guy is insane!"

"And unpredictable, I get it." Jun rolled his eyes.

I frowned and held a notepad from beside me, throwing it at Jun.


"What are you doing anyway?" I got off the bed and stood beside him, looking at the laptop screen. It was full of little white rectangles with a lot of numbers and words.

"Errr," Jun looked at me like what he was about to say will make me angry "Accounting?"

"For?" I asked suspiciously

Jun hesitated "Aunt."

"I thought you said you took a holiday!"

"I know! She just wants me to do this one thing! It won't happen again I promise."

"Why does she?? Doesn't she have professional people to do that?"

"I-I don't know..." He admitted "But it's fine! It won't take long, I'll finish soon."

"You've been working for two hours!"

"And I'm almost done!"

"Jun!!" I exclaimed "Don't you know how to say no?!"

"It's fine! I was free anyway!"

"No you weren't! Luke asked you if you wanted to go with him and you told him you were busy. You could've been out there right now instead of sitting here doing accounting!"

"I'm sorry." Jun whispered "It won't happen again..."

I sighed and slumped down on a chair beside him. "I'm not angry because you're doing this instead of sitting with me, I'm just so frustrated at how you can't voice your opinion, Jun."

Jun clinched his fist "I am too." He whispered

"Learn how to say no." I said softly "And think about your well-being every now and then, okay? This is your holiday. Aunt Wilma is your aunt. She's not even your guardian anymore and you don't owe her anything"

"I know"

I got up and ruffled his hair, going back to the bed and laying down on it. It's been two hours since Lucas left with Mira. The only reason I gave her to him was because we're travelling tomorrow and he said he wanted to leave a nice last impression on her so I let her go but now I am really regretting it. Why are they taking so long?? And why is he ignoring my calls??? I grabbed the phone for the tenth time and dialled his number.

He actually answered this time.

"Yun!" He exclaimed happily

"You damned kid, where the hell are you?!" I shouted

"Ouch!" He said "Damned kid??? Wow, you're seriously angry. I'm on the way home, don't worry."

"Where the hell have you been??"

"Hell? Yun, chill, gosh."

I closed my eyes and tried to breath calmly for a few moments so that I don't explode and swear at him right now. "Where were you?" I asked more calmly this time.

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