Chapter Seven

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Uncle Gordon surely knew how make it hell for me.

Not that that's anything new though.

The moment he recieved the papers until this very moment, he knew the outcome of this whole thing. He knew I'll take custody of Mira. He knew he'd end up in jail by the end of this... but he also knew exactly what steps to take to make this the worst for me and for Mira.

It didn't seem like he consumed any sort of drugs in the past one month and a half since I admitted the papers and he rarely drank. I haven't seen him high or drunk since and I've met him A LOT. He was sober which alone is terrifying. How did he even manage it? I'm sure he is currently suffering with a lot of withdrawn symptoms but why would he go this far to make it difficult for me? He surely had a mental issue.

Standing on this wooden panel, looking at him for the past 15 minutes and having to speak up against him infront of dozens of people made me feel sick and I wanted to leave. This has been going on for too long. Uncle Gordon's blood sample proved that he hasn't taken any sort of drug recently which was an attack to my claim that he was "addicted". Even if he consumed them in the past, is he really an addict? This was so ridiculous. The judge was waiting for more evidence and I was reaching my limit.

Doctor Lyle has spoken as a witness on Uncle Gordon's absuse, mentioning that he's seen me several times with bruises caused by him. He also mentioned that every time Mira was in need of medicine or some sort of hospital check, even the surgery, I was the one who paid for it, showing proof written on all the medical reports.

Sir Grayson was there too. He spoke up and mentioned that I have been working in his restaurant for the past three years to get enough money for myself and Mira for basic needs that our guardian should've been providing us.

Uncle Gordon had one of his friends lie and say that he saw me stealing Uncle Gordon's money a while back, accusing me of constantly doing it. Me denying that just caused a lot more discussion and made this a lot longer to the point where I actually regretted denying it.

But right now, the moment I was dreading came. I was originally moody, angry, annoyed, fed up, pissed off and feeling every possible negative emotion but when the judge started speaking about Mira's guardianship, not about the necessities that one needs to bring up a child, but more of the child's desire and I knew that meant Mira getting involved, my stomach suddenly started hurting, a nervous feeling kicking in my gut. My hands started sweating and I leaned down on the wooden panel, breathing out nervously, my eyes set on Lucas who was carrying sleeping Mira. He looked at me and I just numbly nodded so he started softly shaking her awake. Mira was carried out of Lucas's arms and it took a her a second to properly wake up and realize, throwing herself to the right and opening her arms towards Lucas, trying to get away from the stranger carrying her. It would've been biased for Lucas or Jun to be the one getting her to the front so this man volunteered to do it. I bought my hand to my mouth and bit my thumb nervously as Mira's eyes started watering and she stretched her arm to Jun now, whinning to grab his attention. Jun looked clearly guilty. When the man started walking away, she suddenly burst into tears and screamed, pushing the man's face away. I groaned guiltily cuz it was my fault she's involved in all this and ran a hand through my hair.

Mira turned around and before her eyes came on me, it came on Uncle Gordon and she suddenly froze, her face going white as she shut up. I wanted to shout out to her but that would be cheating. Slowly, her chest started lifting and lowering as her breath became short and quick and her hands started shaking. She wasn't getting enough air and her face was turning red in panic. She bought her hand over her mouth and covered it like what I do to her whenever she has a panic attack. But the panic attack didn't stop, she just kept on breathing heavily over and over again. She knows that if she makes noise infront of Uncle Gordon means I get hurt so she looked like she was trying so hard not to let out any sound.

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