Chapter 34

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Jess's POV

It's been two days since Matt and I kissed and I don't know what to call us.

I wanted to know so I walked downstairs and took matters into my own hands.

"Matt, can I ask you something?"


"What are we?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well we did kiss and I just didn't know what's going on between us."

"Nothing's going on. We're done"

Well that hit pretty hard. I fought back tears as I walked up to my room. He said it so casually like he had it rehearsed.

I didn't know what to do now. He was the reason I'm in California. I told Taty and she tried to make me feel better but it wasn't working. I had nothing left.

I didn't sleep that night and barley slept all week for that matter.

Saturday morning, I got out of bed planning to go for a run. I got my pink and blue sports bra with a blue loose thank, my black Nike shorts and pink Nike shoes. I got downstairs and there was a note on the counter. I walked over and was not prepared for what I read.

To everyone

Sorry for leaving such short notice. I couldn't stay any longer it was just making things worse. So to the guys ill see you next event and to everyone else. I'm glad I got to spend time with you.

-Matt E

He's gone? He left? Without any goodbye? I fell to my knees and just sat up against the island for a little bit. I needed to clear my head so I went for my run.

I came back and everyone was sitting at the table inside talking. Their conversation stopped as soon as I walked in and I just ran upstairs.

There was nothing left. The one thing that made me feel most at peace is gone and ill probably never see him again.

I didn't do much for the remainder of the month. I went swimming, did my daily runs. But that's about it.

Matt's POV

I had to. I packed up my bags and left. I would be seeing the guys in a couple weeks so it was ok, but the girls I beer got a chance to say goodbye. But it hurt to much. I lost the love if my life.

I got back home and just went straight to my room. And stayed there. Weeks on end just thinking about all the amazing times I had with Jess and everyone.

I should've said goodbye.


It was out last week here. Everyone was leaving tomorrow and I was still a mess.

I think Cameron and Ariana broke up but I'm not sure, Taylor and Alyssa are in their own little world and Taty and Nash... I'm not quite sure how they are to be honest. I think they had a mutual breakup...

All I know is that my heart hurts still and the pain won't go away.

Taty's POV

Everything was different after Matt left. Everyone was quiet and we didn't do much.


"Bye guys! we'll see each other soon ok?" I said as all the guys were packing up a cab. "I'm gonna go get Jess."

I walked back Inside and Jess was where she has been for the past 2 weeks... sitting out on the hammock.

"Hey Jess, the guys are leaving you wanna say bye?"

"Yea" she said sighing and getting up.

We all passed out hugs and kisses and said our goodbyes.

The three of us, me, Jess and Ally are leaving on Friday. This was the end if our summer. The end if everything. It was The End.


The epilogue is going to be part of this chapter just cause that part was kinda short.t



Jess's POV

It's crazy thinking about how much can happen in 3 months. We had uphill and downhill battles but we made it out alive. No one was Completely at peace with how the summer ended but it did.

It all started in march, when Magcon went to New Jersey. We went I dropped my phone, Matt returned it. From there everything was so unexpected. I'd have never thought in a million years would anything happen like it did.

But all good things come to an End.

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